Huf has had the chance to design some very nice Nikes, and now we can add two new pairs to the list. Here we have the Nike Air Max 1 and Nike Air Max 90 done in the traditional Earthquake schemes. The Air Max 1 features a Charcoal, Neon Green color ways and the Air Max 90 contains White, Blue. A release date or any other information is not known at this point, but when made available Sneakerfiles will have it. Via Slam.
the ones look like hufquake af1s.
Black ones look good, the others look like bad customs.
hot shoes i like the 90's better
is that gum?! them ONEs are amazing … thats a sure cop
second ones look like customs, first ones look amazing
I got the huf af1 so u kno im getting both of them
90'S R FIRE!
omg dem 90'z i love dose 90'z dey remind mi of trueblues
those are f****** fresh!!!!
a must cop
those 90s are ridiculous…1's not bad, either…
F'in A
The blue ones are really nice, but with all the hype, i doubt ill be able to get a pair so what ever.
WOW those 90's cant wait for my feet
whewwwww coppin both for sure someone find a releast date!!
Where did you get the shoes??
There f*cking Nice !!:)
somebody get a release date and store locator!!!!!L!O!L!!!!
The max are coming back
where are u goin to be able to get the air max 90's in the bay area???
The 90s are illllll
where can u cop the air max 90's in the bay area??
where can u get the air max 90's in the bay area??
Please somebody get release dates for these i'm there
those 90s are sick i love blue i love air max 90 95 97 best running shoes ever
they both look nice
… i'd get greazy with both colorways. MEAN
damn gum bottem on those air max 1s sick bottem line
those are nice I'd wear em
those 90'z are siCC!!…I hope there not limited
i wonder if these are going to be as big as the last "earth quakes" we have. if so i wonder what the retail price will be so if i was you i would get doubles…..but still to many shoes at once in general
Those joint look good but the AM90 look much better
coppin the black ones
It is really nice.
I want to buy these shoes.
How can I buy?? m.m
ive got these in the bag lads
Heavy trainers i like the 90's how do i get a pair?
looks nice cuz the toe box isnt going to crease as much as say the Air Max 90s
Cant wait for these to drop.
They are gonna be released at the two huf locations in sf and the two undftd locations in socal. no word on release dat sometime in october i asked a dude at huf in person
yo these shits is the best airmax ever made yall went hard wit this one
h3ll y3@ th3m juNt5 bu5!n g0tt@ c0p th3m b
were cn u get the white ones
it is sick yu kno i have them on black
this pear iz greazy!!!
the blue so nice i want to but this one where i can buy?
my man already go them heavy 1s
Man those blue & white ones r tight. I'll rock dem 4-real.
the white 1s are sick
but the black 1s r way better
but i wont mind to have any ov dem
them trainers r bomb the detail is sick as well as da colour
and i was talking about da blue and white ones
est qu'il y a moyen d'avoir cette paire trop classe
how much are the blue and white ones thanks
So no release date on the Huf Air Max 90 earthquake 2's? The blue and whites are so nauseous
fuck the nikes
bien po mal le site
yo blud r u shottin dem of if so how much
are the white ones for sale..
boy i like all the air maxes dose are my favorite shoes does is the shoes i wear and they will be the only shoes i will wear AIR MAXES 4 LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
ohh my godd were can u get these trainers from !!1 the are4 well sickk
dove posso trovarle??? rispondete!!
these trainers are well nice how much are they?
NIKE AIR CLASSIC BW ST sz 8 STASH max limited vi 90 sb and the white and bluuu nike air are daaamn fuckin hooot booi .. how much are theem ???
way awsome dude
how much r the 90’s?
nike air max 2011
nike air max 2011 says 43 my mobail 99194079 thx…………
them blue and white ones are nice where can we buy them?