This year was full of surprises when it came to the Air Max line, from the Infrared Air Max 90 to the Neon Air Max 95, but the Swoosh still has one more release up its sleeve before the year ends. This Air Max 95 Classic LE was designed to look more like the Neon Air Max 95 HOA from 2005 rather than the darker version that came out earlier in ’08. The alterations made to this ’95 Classic are bound to be appreciated by the true Air Max 95 fans even though the 2008 model virtually flew off the shelves instantly. Whether you are fan of the older iterations of the Max or you missed out on the first release of the year, this is the perfect chance to pick-up a classic. Release is scheduled for December 20th at select stores. Via Undefeated Japan.
Air Max ’95 Classic (Limited Release)
Release Date: 12/20/2008
Style: 313111-071
Colorway: Neutral Grey/Neon Yellow-Dark Charcoal
Retail Price: $140.00
hope these make their way to houston. i need a fresh pair again.
i was the first one with these in highschool back in 97
i digg these. i'm goin to the city the 27th, hopefully i can still find em.
damn sexy.
anybody know any store that are getting these? i called all my spots and no one knows anything about this release
anyone no were they are coming out in boston?
I guess this one is Asian area release only……..maybe…..
I already got these on ice in my storage unit..size 13. I'm gonna put my 2 Jordan Countdown 11/12 packs right next to em. I love u eastbay….good lookin.
wish i could get those
W0W!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!very preeeeeeeeety i`ll want to get this shoes
These R the BEST Air Max in my opinion (apart from the original 95s of course). If I get a chance… Imma definitely cop a pair. Careful tho, there r ALOT of fakes being sold out there.