Having made its return to the sneaker scene earlier in 2013, it looks like theres a brand new colorway for the Nike Air Turf Raider that is now available for purchase. In combining Game Royal/Wolf Grey/Black, all of you sneakerheads can head over to exclusive Nike retailer Premier right now to cop this latest colorway. With the NFL season in full swing, these kicks would definitely make that game-day outfit complete especially if you happen to be a fan of the Dallas Cowboys, Detroit Lions, Indianapolis Colts or New York Giants. Check out a few angles after the jump and be sure to head over to Premier right now to place your orders.
Nike Air Turf Raider
Game Royal/Wolf Grey-Dark Grey
via Premier
y they so ugly
Juan Seay Dominique Palmer and Jamie Seay wat yall think
Those go Fed. But you need those All Red Joints.
Vic Guzman
quằm quá
quằm quá
They cool Little Horton
now we talking
Not bad