Recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month, Kiki McGehee of Nike has designed this All Court to honor the month. The All Court implements several Hispanic inspired designs including “piteado”, a method used on leather belts and boots in Latin America. Furthermore, the word pride appears on the sneaker at the side of the heel, the perfect word to describe the lifestyle of Hispanics in the U.S. Lastly, the sneakers consist of a simple color-way of brown, yellow and green, giving it a simple yet appealing feel. However, Nike decided not to release the sneakers, but t-shirts inspired by the sneakers will be sold in the Los Angeles area at Warehouse Shoe Sale. Via EM.
This is mule shit!
DESE ARE SICK. SIMPLY RAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
man fuck nike why they make a shoe and not release them man i want these!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dannnnnm ,dez sho3s iz nic3 az h3ll: But lik3 Mclovin said, why ain't day gonna release dem. Itz s33mz lik3 day just tryin 2 mak3 us madd.LMAO. i r3ally love da color wayz & style of dis sho3, 2 bad itz a tease:(
Very nice! Muy calienta!
DDDDDAAAAAMMMMNNNNN dose sneakers is fresh im not even hispanic and i want those i think yall should reconsider releasin dem
thats fucked up Nike if you make a sick shoe it has to be released
haha im not hispanic either but i want it!! NIKE NEEDS TO RELEASE THIS FASTTT
i got these for free
i have these shoes if anybody wants them
text me or call me at 786 478 5683. offers only trades are accepted