The George “Iceman” Gervin House of Hoops Exclusive Nike Blazer Hi Premium was previewed a few weeks ago, but it only displayed the Blazer in its normal state. Composed of a 3M reflective upper, the Iceman Blazer’s also feature a silhouette of Gervin holding two basketballs, this picture of Gervin also appears on the in-sole. In addition, the sneakers also sport “ICE MAN” at the heel. Unfortunately, the Iceman Blazers were released at the House of Hoops and limited to 24 pairs.
These are DOPE!!!!!!
Nike Blazer Highs are my favorite Nike sneakers.
damn these are nice
when whas it released??i live near a house of hoops but didnt realy see them in the store..
much respect to the man…he was an OG but not a big blazer fan…but my shelf could rock these
it's about fuck'n time nike should've released these a long time ago no disrespect to the sb line but you got to give credit to where it's due and thats the ICE MAN for puting the shoes on the map will we see a mosses malone edition AF1???
I like these alot.
TOOOOOO HOTTTTT!!! NEED 2 be released!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
these shoes it self got swagg