Nike is back at it again, not with Diamond Supply Co. but the use of diamonds on their Dunks. They combine a suede with a diamond all-over print in two different color-ways, black/tan and brown/tan. Although the current Nike releases haven’t been good, there are other Dunks to look forward to and these are not one of them. Via Nice Kicks.
I'm gonna cop,for sure
cant wait to see the release date
so fukin sick i am definatley coppin no matter what..both of them
when will people realize that shrinking down a logo(stars, diamonds, money, anything) and puttin it all over an article of clothin or shoes automatically makes it tacky,wack, and a failure. just like them wack ass hoodies poeple were wearin last year
lov the shoe,rock them and let a bitch hate
Completely Trashed im not copping.
These shoes were sampled probably 4 times before they stuck with these two colorways. Both inspired by the traditional colors of the Louis Vitton (brwn) & Fend (blk/brwn) colors. TRUST ME, you have to see these in person before you say they are ugly.
i only like the black ones…them joints is poppin..that's all i know, and I don't even like SBs. it would be good to see other colorways, tho.
WEll i SAY dAt dA diAMONd idEA iS dOPE BUt dA ShOE WUd lOOk BEttA if it WUS WhitE && dA diAMONdS WUR All diffERENt COlORS, likE BRiGht BlUE, PURPlE, ORANGE, GREEN, && REd.
I love nike