We have had catalog pictures of the Nike DT Max 96 Retro, but now we will do you one better and post actual pictures of the White, Red, Black, Gold along with a side by side comparison of the Original release. You can tell both models look alike, but small changes have been made. For example some accents that was White are now red, Gold Nike logo at the heel is now white, and the Nike DT Max 96 Retro does not have a speckled midsole (like the Originals). Stop by your local Nike retailer, if they do not have them in yet, they should soon. Via wjw56.
Wow…wow…wow…wow…i need these in mah life
wow….they messed that retro up
OMG!!!!!!!! BEEN W8ting SINCE he wore them for MY NINERS! MUST FIND DEION MITCHELL to MATCH!!!!!!!!!!
these are great $120 though is to much. i'm thinkin 90-95
i'll scoop them at the outlets. they will be sitting right next to the barry sanders for $59.99 lol.
SHYTS IS TRASH ..I HATE THE WAY NIKE IS RETRO'ing all these go0d sneakers wid TRASH quality =/ Smh
they tuff but the orginals look way better wit the hot lava red man
im sorry, but this round goes to the originals
I just dont know why nike & jordan keep having problems retroing their own kicks. THEY ARE NKE & JORDAN FOR PETE'S SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!
Retro DT's are uuuuuuuuuuuuuuugly. Nike destroyed those. I love the OG's.
"You can tell both models look alike, but small changes have been made" No actually I can't, those aren't small changes.
this shoes is like a woman having twins but ones a girl and the other is a boy. i hope you get what im saying if u dont your an idoit!
ogs are so much better n they prolly took his face off because hes prolly not sponsered by nike anymore and he could sue nike for using his face
I've been wathing a long time for these shoes to drop. I planed on buying more than one pair of these kicks. but the retro's are horrable. I reather buy some fake J's than to buy those. hopfully the black an white ones will be right. NIKE… U CANT LEAVE OUT THE GOLD… IT KILLED THE RETRO………IF NOT I NEED SOMEONE TO SELL ME SOME OG'S..
hola soy de colombia estoy zapatos son bien elegante pero en mi pais o se llama Nike DT 96 Max si no se llam nike zebras 2007 y estan en color azul turqui
hello I am of Colombia I am shoes are or elegant but in my country or 96 is called Nike DT Max if llam nike zebras 2007 and do not estan in blue color turqui
ok ok wow these are really my fav of all time and this color but why would u get rid of the gold!!!! and my fav the speckled black bottoms!!! and the air is not as fat and no deon at the bottom nor its as red as the originals come on nike get it together now i got them but still u just wanna know where the real ones are so if anybody knows please tell
anyways yeah ive been looking on ebay for like 7 yrs for the original ones does anybody have any idea
yo these kickz are sick ima be first in line! n add it to the collection!
Wow i got the retros cuz i can't afford to buy the originals right now.. but yea differences are noticeable im def missin my speckled sole…
hell ya man these are awesome