This new pair of Nike Dunk Mid SBs have gone under the radar that they were not even posted on They are nicknamed Griptape because of the they use the same material on the as the Ross Dunks which are Griptape. The other material used is suede and that is located at the toe box. Rumor has it this pair is actually a limited release, meaning a lot less pair were produced. Via Adam aka ballaholyk84.
does anyone know if this was released already?
At least this queer apologized.
damn there sold out at dat site
is a legit site?
the ones on here are fake look at these pics and the ones on pickyourshoes they're diferent
damn those bitches are fine ill be doin some kickflips,360 flips, and hardflips, in those man o ya gotta get some
there not fake there the sb and the other ones arent and sb stands for skateboarding if you didnt know.
Those "griptapes" are fake look at the toe box its black the real ones have greyish black and there on my feet rite now chea BOY
I love how the guy who says they are limited are trying to sell them. They are definetily not limited as you can find them just about anywhere.
they don't look fake to me, they look legit, it's probably just different lighting messing with the look of the griptape. and at fender, yea, skatepark of tampa is legit. it's a skatepark in tampa florida, actually it's pretty well known, if you skate, you'd probably have heard of it via the tampa am and tampa pro contests.