Nike SB will release a new Dunk Mid as a tribute to Guns n Roses and in specific the song November Rain. If you have seen the music video, the insole has a girl in a coffin (from the video) and the tongue has the Guns N Roses graphic. Nike will release the Dunks SB Guns N Roses November 2007. Via nsb.
I'm a huge GNR fan so this is awesome to me.
ayee where can i get a pair like these in size 7 in boys
^they have not been released yet READ!!!!!! but these are delightful. will b coped!
YO yO Yo YO yO yO dEze R oFfICIaL TIsSUE goTz 2 aDd 2 DA COLlEcTiOn YA diggZzZZ……….. Im ROCk ND ROlL LiKe GUns nD ROSEs da conSeQUenCeS Of ma gUNs iZ rOSes
when are they going to be released and $?
i just got these today lmfao
Hi, I love GNR!! Where can I buy a pair of those awsome shoes on the internet!?!?
GNR Forever!
were can i get this shoes in a man size 7 and how much
poderia fazer nike do guns n rose feminino….eu adoraria,mais amei os masculinos