The Nike Flannel Pack is definitley unique, I can picture Al Borland from Home Improvement wearing them. In total, their are five pairs in the Nike Flannel Pack, a Nike Air Max 90, Air Stab, and two Court Force Highs. Each pair consists of lumberjack wool material, premium leather, woven leather and corduroy, suede leather. Available now at Overkill.
wheres the AM1?!
Weres the Dunk?
alright i guess i could see workin flannel in2 a shoe design but y mix like 5 different materials and colors on2 the shoe 4 example the orange symbol,red flannel,brown leather (and corduroy?)plz draw a line between unique and just plain ugly and stupid
A woman name Chris Mullen #1 Fan and her little boy were walking through a park in New York and they pass two squirrels having sex. The little boy asks his mom, "Mommy, mommy, what are they doing?" The lady responded, "They're making a sandwich." Then they pass two dogs having sex and the little boy again asks what they were doing. His mother again replied they were making a sandwich. A couple of days later the little boy walks in on his mother and father and said "Mommy, Daddy, you must be making a sandwich because, Mommy has mayonnaise all over her mouth!!!"
i agree with what jt23 said
Very nice site!