With the Nike Kobe 9 Elite “Masterpiece” set to hit retailers on February 8th, it looks like the interestingly high shoe is going to be followed up with a low top version. Yes, you read that correctly. The Nike Kobe 9 will indeed be releasing in low top form. Equipped with the same Flyknit-led design, it appears as if Kobe and Nike will be going back to their old ways. While many thought the Kobe 9 was created because of Kobe’s achilles injury, Bryant dismissed the notion in quite a few interviews. Now that you know you can expect to see the Kobe 9 Low sometime this year, what are your thoughts? Check out another look after the jump and be sure to drop us a line in the comments section below.
Photos via aaronknows
much better
Sneaker Freaks finally got a image of the Kobe 9 Masterpiece EM low much better concept than the boxing boot
i can’t fuck wit the elite but i will grab these
im going to get them
Cayden Randolph
I like this Nike’$
Now I will cop these. The other ones were just a little too high.
this dude got elite feet big behind shoes he zoomed out on the camera and still couldn’t get the whole shoe in the screen smh ridiculous
These are the highs just folded down n tongue pushed down that’s what everybody been saying at least
Ok I can work w/the lows.
these are nice..willl cop these…no doubt!
These look great.
Way better Dearius Murphy
Filbert Nostratis
F $#k no!!!!
Jeremy Shaquille
the low is dope, not feelin the high
IAmTreGood they’re still hot tho, plus they’re low compared to the elites. Aha
sneakerfiles definitely will COP
Adam R. Michaud
I can mess with the low Corey Michaud
lows are just always better personally
Pare ok yan kobe 9 meron kn ba nyan?
Brandon Callanta how bout this? Vs the high top?
Esas las vi en foot locker y están guapas guapas!
These are looking like mids not lows …. They’re just looking lows because the highs are verryyyyyyy highs
Aah voilà Ljubica Cutunic Dorothée Studer Jalinka Naima MyShow
C deja mieux
U Ieong Matthew Lam Soi Un Dave Chan
繆奕麟 Soi Chan told you mio
LOL haha
seems comfy!!!
繆奕麟 but my friend from magazine said it’s not as good as the previous
they just look like a folded down high to me, that isn’t EM, its flyknit.
Robin Raoulo Sugay Edrick Farol
Carlo Consigliere Farol must!
like the mid a lot better ..not bad at all. give me the right cw and i will cop!
Still not a low cut, definitely a mid-cut, but I like it
IAmTreGood It isnt engineered mesh either.
Nightwing2303 IAmTreGood it’s fly knit
jefferrrson LOL. Got to love people that truthfully have no clue. This is why people who like shoes look bad to other people.
Nightwing2303 Smh blogs just reposting misinformation verbatim just for views. It’s like they don’t even care about the post itself smh
IAmTreGood Nightwing2303 but it has to be true!!! It’s Sneakerfiles!
IAmTreGood I know ALL about it lol.
jefferrrson IAmTreGood ha!
jefferrrson IAmTreGood Nightwing2303 it also isn’t even a Kobe 9 low. It’s the regular Kobe 9 and someone folded them down.
mxKID912 jefferrrson IAmTreGood supposedly, still not confirmed so as of now it just is what it is.
Nightwing2303 jefferrrson IAmTreGood I hope I’m wrong though. They look amazing there.
mxKID912 IAmTreGood Nightwing2303 yup. And like why would Nike make an exact same cw and silhouette? I’m sure the lows are a tad diff
jefferrrson mxKID912 IAmTreGood lows were supposed to be EM and not Flyknit so who knows. They could easily change that if they wanted.
Nightwing2303 mxKID912 IAmTreGood heard it was EM and Flyknit. Two lowtop versions
jefferrrson maybe I’m just forgetting that they said that lol.
Nightwing2303 i think EM might stand for Elite Masterpiece
Spinn87 stands for engineered mesh
Nightwing2303 I know that it does in general, but I was speaking on this particular pair of shoes, because clearly the material is flyknit
Spinn87 I just dont think anyone has actual info yet so ppl are just speculating