If you thought that retail prices of $170 for the LeBron 9 and $250 for the LeBron 9 Elite were high, wait until the next LeBron signature drops.
Following this Summer’s release of the Lunar Hyperdunk+ and the launch of Nike+ Basketball, the LeBron 10 will drop next Fall in both standard and Nike+-enabled versions. With the LeBron 10 set to retail for $180, the Nike+ iteration will run you a cool $315 – the most expensive basketball shoe Nike has ever released.
With prices continuing to rise across the board, how do you feel about the upcoming price points? While $180 for the standard version might not be too bad (only $10 more than the LeBron 9), is $315 for the LeBron 10+ enough to keep you away from Nike+ Basketball? Let us know in the replies and stay tuned for more info on the upcoming LeBron sigs.
thats some bull man…the prices are getting crazy out here for sneakers. seems like the rich getting richer smh
Thats extremely too much, 315?! Are you serious?! Im only 5’7 soo they better make me fly at those prices! Thats more than some Jordan OG’s at some over seas retailers…. and @Kobe Bryant’s got a point, Lebrons a good player but like a single **** in her 40′s, hes got no ring on his finger so he isnt worth ****! Maybe I can understand Kobe’s pricing getting jacked up but that was after Lebrons 7 and 8 hit 160. Lebron will never be like Jordan, not on the court and not like his shoe game… EVER!!!!!!!
He has a ring..?
haha he does have a ring
sorry but the lebron 9 is the best selling shoe in basketball history over any jordan so his shoe game has exceeded jordan and as far as the court of course his game is not like jordans and it will never be because they don’t play the same type of game
the prices beeeeeeennnn too high for Nikes. Especially for Lebrons. I think the foamposite price is too high actually. And until people complain stuff is going to get worst.
on top of that his shoes don’t even look that good! I wish I would.
the regular lebron 10 are only 185 and thats not even bad and those shoes are awesome
It’s 315 because it includes the nike+ basketball technology that enables you to connect your shoes to your iphone. It will record your intensity, speed, vertical etc. in the game. But if you’re only interested with the shoes alone without those nike+ thingy. 180$ is a good price mate.
It’s 315 because it includes the nike+ basketball technology that enables you to connect your shoes to your iphone. It will record your intensity, speed, vertical etc. in the game. But if you’re only interested with the shoes alone without those nike+ thingy. 180$ is a good price mate.
these prices are getting high like a fat bitches sodium!!! but at the same time if you got the money why not rinse 315 on a pair of kicks? The only way these big brands will realize the amount is too much is when the shits they put in rotation are collecting cobwebs on shelves worldwide!! they need to bring these prices back down to earth!!
The prices will continue to rise as long as hypebeast and B.S. resellers exist. Those are the only two reasons why shoe companies think they can get away with these prices. Once all these lames stop hyping up every sneaker release and stores stop letting these resellers scoop up every size, the regular sneakerheads gone suffer.
I’m a big LBJ fan but I’m sorry 315$ is to f’n high!!!!!! 180$ cool but 350?!?!?!?! COME ON SON!!!
if the nike+ for basketball was just a simple insole addition, it would be fine if we could buy them separate and could be used with other basketball shoes. if its non removeable and integrated with the shoe. 315 for one shoe. no way.
I love the idea of the nike + basketball, but $315 will def keep me away for a while…
if that $315 will make me fly in basketball games…? IM ON IT!
This is sad, it really is
I’m still gonna.cop
Because you’re a goofy.
Well, more and more I like the Kevin Durant shoe ideology (an affordable sneaker), though with all the “exclusive colorways” like the weatherman and the nerfs, those kicks are starting to lose their appeal.
I agree with 730SNEAKERGAME, eventually, we are all going to go get our kicks on sale shelves, one year after their release and given it’s a 50% off discount.
315 fuk outta here nike how sum fukn lebrons goin cost more dan jordans tryna rip us off i bet nobodi goin pay dat much til dey lower da price smfh
The game is dead, $180 is too my IMO
Wow I guess Nike and Lebron don’t care that America is in a recession right now.
Sweet only 315 for the new LeBrons. Like the Js, this pricepoint has a significance to the actual sneaker and player himself. The 315 represents the duartion of the game he can actually play ball, as hes only good through 3 quarters and up until 1.5 minutes into the fourth then he disappears. Now you see why Nike is not charging a full 400 for these busted, wanna be like Mike sneakers. Ill stick to Js, at least he was an original.
Fuck you!
poetry by Medahko! lol! really, I would have to see a lot of first and exclusive technologies in the Basketball+ line to even make me consider buying these shoes. I’m pretty sure nobody remembers the $200+ shoes adidas was pumping out a while back. I wonder how many of those sold. but who knows, Nike is in a class of its own when it comes to new tech in athletics and this may very well be the culmination of all of that. and they did sucker a handful of people to pay $4,000+ for high-top L.A. Gears, uh, MAGs, not too long ago. I’ll need a substantial pay raise to be in consideration for these.
Unless they are made from Gold or have daimonds incrusted in them, i will not pay 315 for the same synthetic crap materials and 2 week lasting icy soles that nike is used to giving people. At 315 id much rather start buying Loui Vs
Thank u they talking Louie and gucci prices now, and thank u for pointing out these expensive azz shoes ain’t even made out of leather/suede any more hyperfuse is a gimmick Nike is saving $ on production costs while prices sky rocket
Just can’t seem to put my mind on who pays so much for their tennis shoes and for what to say I’m the stupid person that got screwed.Well good luck.Enjoy just don’t be asking for relief from the president, trying to get money because you didn’t meet your goals in sales or profit.We have to find a company who will sell their shoes for a reasonable price.
Pretty fuckin’ expensive for a guy that has no championships at all and passes the ball in crunch time, no real need for price increases
Time to start robbing people again
Thats extremely too much, 315?! Are you serious?! Im only 5’7 soo they better make me fly at those prices! Thats more than some Jordan OG’s at some over seas retailers…. and @Kobe Bryant’s got a point, Lebrons a good player but like a single slut in her 40’s, hes got no ring on his finger so he isnt worth shit! Maybe I can understand Kobe’s pricing getting jacked up but that was after Lebrons 7 and 8 hit 160. Lebron will never be like Jordan, not on the court and not like his shoe game… EVER!!!!!!!
My point exactly! Look at my mans logo! His whole damn style is bitten. And you look at Jordan, game winners all along his career. I seen the queen dish it to Haslem at the buzzer of a game like the ball was on fire. Ill pay 315 for some Halsems, at least he took the shot…didnt go in but…he took the shot.
these shoes are ebs compatable and have a pressure senor in the heel! they will measure your lift velocity your vertical and everything else that needs to be measured on a basketball cout! welcome to the new age!
Whatever the specimen above as trying to say, I hace to agree with him.
Let’s all chip in with our sneaker budget so we can pay the guy a nice elementary school…one that teaches the old “english language”.
Who knows? He might even learn to spell too…
Good tactic Nike. Raise the prices extremely high and then if they sell, you win. If they don’t sell, then lower the prices to $175 and $250 for the respective models. I won’t be copping however, unless they go on sell. Until then I’ll be balling in some Adidas
Nike is getting outta hand with these prices!!!
While they haven’t always looked the best, the LeBron 7, 8 and 9 are really good bball shoes. For that $150-$200 is acceptable. But $315? They better record my stats in pick-up games and make my throw it down liek Bron..
Do they not realize that they’re getting close to charging half a thousand dollars for something you wear on your feet?
just a heads up! this shoe is revalutionary it is ebs compatable and has a pressure sensor in the heel which will measure everything on the court!
adidas does the same thing as nike right now its called micoach if you dont know they now have it in all new shoes they release, or pratically. i got roses 773 they are micoach compatible and they only cost me a hundred bucks! of course they dont come with the micoach thing but you can buy it for 70$ and you can put it in all your shoes that are compatible. but the thing thats better than nike+ is that you can buy it for iphone OR for pc and mac and thats really better than nike+ cuz not all people have an iphone and many people will get fooled by nike cuz they will pay that ridicoulus 315 for a thing they cant use if they dont have an iphone thats another 300$ for the same thing you can have at a price thats cheaper than the lebron 10s WITHOUT nike+. hope this comment will open some eyes :)
AND its not revolutionnary because adidas did it before them
Lebron and Nike ought to be shot in the ass kids look up to this,damn fool and he’s selling shoes for 315 this is why Kevin Durant will have a better career stop being greedy Lebron.
im not buyin them or the elites its to damn high shoes for guys shuldnt be alot mo than 150
for 315 you can get china 9s………ON FLIGHT CLUB
the reason y they are 315 is becasue they are ebs compatiable and have a pressure sensor in the heel
you people are dumb as hell. you are blaming the price of the shoe on the way that lebron plays? get real. Medahko is the most idiotic poster on here. we are now dumber for having read his posts. i award him no ‘swag’ points, and may god have mercy on his soul.
Forget his stats $315 is toooo much for any sneaker
I don’t care if he has 20 championships, $315 is just too doggone much for a shoe. Equating somehow the number of championships to the cost of a players shoes makes no sense. Penny was not on a championship team and Foamposite Ones retail for over $200. Hopefully people will wise up,these will sit on shelves and they will get the hint out in Beaverton.
And the LeBron 10’s are f***ing UGLY
Im Ah Sneakerhead… It Doenst Matter What The Price Is. If I Like It and Its Worth Puttin In My Shoe Collection. No Doubt Im Buying It.
I have a sample pair of Air Yeezys…$75.00, LeBron VII’s…170.00, Air Jordan X Steel/Carolina…5.00,Nike Air Jordan III White/Elephant…5.00, I’m about to start wearing athletic propulsion # guaranteed to make you jump higher
Ya 350 is stupid crazy but this can’t be lebron setting these prices it hot to be Nike!!!
315 I mean
Prices for shoes are getting outragous. I love shoes, but $315 is way to much. Plus the shoe looks absolutely stupid! I wanted a pair of south beachs this year so bad but the $250 for them was a deal breaker. Lebron is NOTHING compared to Jordan-and never will be! As far as I’m concerned, if the Lebrons are gunna be so highly priced, then make Jordans higher!! Nike’s are becoming outragous, just like the price for the Yeezy’s. My advice for nike- Stick to te original shoes that made Nike such a big hit! And keep the prices for the original shoes also!!!!!!
Its funny how half the people commenting here are fine with paying a reseller atleast 315 for a limited lebron sneaker like say the Chinas or big bangs, but as soon as Nike starts asking for this money its ridiculous. Either way I will never drop over 200 on a shoe.
For the live of the game. i’ll stick to durant’s
For the love of the game. i’ll stick to durant’s
For the love of the game. i’ll stick to durant’s
Wow I’ve been a Nike head since “77” when nobody was rockin them thru the 80s air this and air that and still rock them from foampisits /lebrons / air foce1s supremes and keep my daughter laced up in Nike’s flyest kicks but I’m a out to drop them we spend way to much on their over priced nonsense and to those who have something to say I’ve rocked every high priced joint they had out since the 80s til now
Lebron at 315 they will sit in the store if only the have the title Miami. Night. South beach or. Xmas
Shut your broke asses up!! I’m getting them
What do you think the Lebron 10’s price will be in August?