We all know that when it comes to collegiate PE’s, Oregon is definitely top dog. In looking to make a splash, it looks like the Duke Blue Devils have got a few tricks up their sleeves. Posted after the jump is a look at some fresh new PE’s that have been specially created to represent to Blue Devils squad. Using the Nike KD VI, LeBron X Elite and LeBron XI, all three kicks have been decked out in the teams infamous white/royal blue color scheme. Continue reading after the jump to check out a better look and be sure to drop us a line in the comments section below.
Photos via dukeblueplanet
Uk players had on the so called “duke” lebrons..
Tho hard
KD’s lebron’s shoes are garbage
had this pic yesterday at Lebron 11
Aldwyne Gedang
Belleza carajo!!!
Kd 6
André Valente
Edward KingSmurf Humes III
Harley Stone gotta have em