With it being Prom season, girls are looking for the perfect dress, while guys look for the perfect sneakers to complete their outfit. For one student, he has commissioned well known customizer Lazy for a unique pair of Nike SB Dunk Mid to be worn to this years Prom. The SB Dunk Mid Tokyo is customized with an upper that fades from pink to white canvas. Other interesting designs include zebra print at the midsection and around the collar of the Mids. The laces are also pink and the eyelets and strap are kept in white to match the rest of the sneaker. Thank you to Pete for the pictures.
supra skytop magentas??
dis nike sb are hot n fresh
when they release in the usa?????????
you guys above are illiterate idiots! first off they are not even supras! and second, they are customs so they will not release at all. Reading is fundamental…especially for you guys.
^^tru shit. these are nice but i wouldnt wear them. kind really wouldnt mesh well with anything.
dey ight wld have bn brtter if he wld have used a different color like blue or grey
dey r rel kwl i realy wnt sum ov em
Who am I??? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^(KJ NC'S FLIEST)^^^
These are customs so they arent gunna be sold.. and they suck either way
they freshh !
i'd buy them if they sold them