We showed you the Nike Zoom Air Kobe 3 White catalog picture, but now we have a more extensive look at the pair. With every new color way, we see more and more hate toward the Kobe III.
But, the White on White Nike Zoom Air Kobe 3 is not too bad, the Black stripe gives them a tad bit of spice. But when you hit the courts your bound to get them dirty quick. Via AmsterdamsFinest.
These shoes look like they were made using a waffle griddle. Ad some maple syrup and they might be alright.
This is a perfect balling sneaker. I cant wait to get in it. It's not tha best lookin shoe, but it's built for tha court. Those that are hatin have a point, but then again them same haters aren't ball players.
man these are aight, but nike better make sure that they don't sell these shit more than a 100. this shit must be round 40 or 60. the best price could be 15 dollars. hate this shoe man.
johan, lay off the crackpipe. Your comment looks and reads like complete gibberish.
These kobes look good for balling, but thats about it.
They HAVE to be great balling shoes as ugly as they are…they look like you should be able to cop them from Oberweis or Cold Stone…
These aren't meant for style, they are meant to ball in.
i thought dey was gona put actual net on it ..now its jus garbage on da outside
n johan dis a dam sneakersite aint no rapbasement but u are rite NAS is da best rapper alive not weezy
waffle kicks do they come in syrup brown and in pastry beige hwmmm
ugly as hell…but can't wait to hoop in these….
…yeah, exactly…no one wears shoes for style. We all do hours of research on the performance factors and base our sole purchasing choices on that information. Right? It must be true by looking at these shoes…no one on these posts said that the shoe looks good. Not one…
i would copp these….they just look different and different is good….fuk haterz
I love these shoes they look like Crap! I love ballin' in crappy looking shoes, they have the best performance cuz they are soft and cushioned. I am for sure gonna cop p these but first I will crap. I hope they make em in brown. Love the haters and hate the lovers!
I'm sorry but Nike screwed up big time on these. They look unfinished and lazy, oh and very very FUGLY, other colors might be a little better, maybe.?
When is Nike going to make a decent looking shoe for Kobe? These are the worst looking shoes that Nike has coming out. Nike Needs New desigNers Now.
The only shoe I see him rock this season is the 2k4s and he be haing some hot ass colorways. these yea do look like waffles like somebody said
i wont totally hate yet cuz idk how they perform but they look like they would go perfect n a 'waffles & syrup' colorway lol
they'll probably feel good on the court
waffle x uggly=kobe 3
im getting hungry from looking at those shoes…
waffles… hahaha
kobe should have some sayin in his signature shoes. i don't think he can say with a straight face that these look actually good… these look like spiderman boots.
But his taste in shoes is terrible! Remember the Adidas Shoes! As far as good to ball in, personally I would have a pair that look good and feel good. For the price these are, there are MANY other shoes I would rather ball in.
this color is screaming "LAME"! the joints that rocked on the court, now these hoez can get some playing time. NIMEAN!
dam these is the perfet sneaker to take a dump on lol and like come on i've seen shaqs shoe better than this hell my sister's face looks better than this
these are the worst looking shoes i have ever seen
Daang Son! dese Shoes Right here da shit, man i'm gettin me some,,,,
these are the best new ballin shoes period even though they're just as ugly as they are functional.
better to ball in then Lebronze or Melo's, but they also pretty ugly.
kobe haters!!! you guys probably live in milwaukee, cleveland, miami, charlotte or some shitty place in the east coast. This is a basketball shoe not something that you wanna wear in church or in the mall… if you dont like it, then dont buy it and dont hate it. Its gonna sell out once kobe scores 50, 60, 65 points again.
These look like some 80's 70's type shoes,Thats why I think they dope If u where these on the court,everybody be lookin at them,they look retro,I might get a pair
this is tite ,
looks are not bad, great function,
all u haters don't know nothin.
lighter then the 2k4,
MY friend was rocking these today for ball, he bought them off EBAY in all black. He got them 2 months early but had to pay an arm and a leg for them. I held them and they were the lightest shoe I have ever felt since the nike Hyperflights in 2001. When I saw them up close, they actually looked really nice. But you can hardly see the nike logo & the kobe symbols.
not as ugly as the new J's
last time i checked, basketball shoes wernt made to impress based on its looks, but used for performance, so really if u people are hatin, iunno whats wrong wit u ppl. If u like looks, go buy air force 1s, dunks, jordans or sum'.
its like a spiderman shoes its so ugly better than kobe 1 and 2
kobe 3 is so expensive that vintage shoes of kobe in adidas is more comfortable chip and nice wear nike huarache is better than that kobe 3 sucks chris paul for mvp sorry kobe and lebron!
I LOve this shoes its very comfortable.
these shoes are sick dont hat yah just so damm cheap these are also so damm light best kicks ever…………………….
when does this colour way come out cause these are dope?
i bought these man, these are the most comfortable shoes ever
these things are a work of art…
the waffle texture is FRESH…
They look a bit weird like this ya.. but rock them wit a pair of bball shirts and its beauty.
–Peace. :)