Although the team Kobe Bryant ends up on his still up in the air, the Nike Zoom Kobe III will stay the same since our first detailed look. We have received mixed feedback on the Nike Zoom Kobe SL, mainly bad but can a different color way change your feelings?
This Nike Zoom Kobe 3 SL features a dominate White upper with accents of Black. Do not worry, the picture is a Kids model and the Kobe III SL will utilize air vents. Available April 2008, via thesyndication.
These are starting to grow on me.
so u go from the kobeII 2 this shit….
these are better than the black ones THE BLACK ones Match KOBE a POUR THOUGHT !
major disappointment. Kobe, you're still the best on the court, but these are ugly and tooooo simple. They dont match ya either. not at all…I mean even the Lebron's look better for once…I'll Pass!
These are the Best shoes ever and i hear that they are the lightest shoes ever
the kobes are straight for ball…that's why they're made. the kobe 1's are the best ball shoes i've used since the jordan 13's. these look hi-fi…
them shits stupid ugly period, i put those on im get tried like freak at a cut party!!
poor design, how do you play basketball with those soles?
Come On thats the best you guys can do for the games best overall player. Nike shoes get rid of all there designers and be ashamed to even considering to release this garbage…
Hate it.
These are horrible!
these whites are definitely hotter than the other colorways. Its funny how Nike have decided to go experimental with Kobe's line. or any sig for that matter. I think its nice. But deep down Nike know that they are alienating a large swathe of the population who like 'safe' looking shoes. Funny, isn't that why Kobe left Adidas, his shoes were too radical?
guess kobe changed…not like all the fake 'heads on the board. most of these dumbasses here don't know shit about shoes unless they go with a cute lil outfit…
I have to say I don't dig these. I just got those Kobe II STs that where posted on this site a few weeks ago. Them black and baroque joints, so tight. I can't believe this is his next shoe.
dont matter how many colorways these shyts come out in…i cant eva see myself in these shoes and kobe is too good of a playa to be wearin these
im feeling em they would be good for ball and thats all they are made to be 4
are we gonna see some other colorways? honestly get these plan, shits outta here.
yea now those ones is hot…see all yall gotta do is just apply the different colors and im tellin you ppl will change their thought about the kobe zm3….i cant wait for yall to come out with and white purple and yellow one& i hipe the design will be iiight to…….gosh these new ones look so light and comfortable…..why yall gotta release them in april..ayll take too friggin long to release da kobes…cuz evn the zm2's came out in may…and saw kobe playin in dem since Dec25th of 2006…so dont take too long 2 release
Kobe is my favorite player in the world and to see them as his new shoe hurts!!
Reminds me when addias made that one shoe for him that looked like a damn fishing boat! These shits are ugly as hell and don't show Kobe's game when you look at them. They look like they can be the "Starbury" at Steve&Berry's $15 is all they look like they can be worth. If ya'll need some help on designing a shoe for Kobe give me a holla because these shoes just simply SUCK!!
what the hell was kobe thinking those shoes are a hot mess. hope that they make alot of the mostly all white ones cause the other colors and the spiderman stuff on em are ugly as hell.
There nicer than the Black pair. But I still think there pretty ridiculous. I wouldn't wear them on the court or anywhere else.
These are apparently lighter than the 2k4's
These r ugly…. Zoom 2 is the best
man yall are stupid leaving gay ass comments , man these shoes go hard…fuk lebron and the spurs..and michael jordans bitch ass -DEM HYPE BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!
they are good lucking and and look great for playing. I heard they are really comfortable and really light.
Are these comeing out in kids??????????????????????
Im just wondering if these are comeing ou tin big kids sizes "3.5" let me know thanks same goes for the frist coler way Black
Where can I buy these shoes?! They are not on the nike website…
These shoes are the best zoom 3 ever. LAKERS ALL THE WAY WE GOIN ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
heared that the black go way better than white…nd its much lighter..not the best ever..coz wade nd converse r doind so fine too
dont diss em till u buy em im a laker and kobe fan and ive had the zk1 still hav the laker color zk2 and i just got these yesterday and they kik ass
is good grip?
bro this is 2020! dang this page doesn’t get any visits!!!!!