Although Kobe Bryant does not want to play for LA next year, and no one knows where he will end up, Nike still produced some samples of the Nike Zoom Kobe III in a Black Maize color scheme. Sneakerfiles is the first website to show you an in depth look at the upcoming Nike Zoom Kobe III. Which ever team Kobe winds up on, he should be wearing the Nike Zoom Kobe III at the beginning of the NBA Season.
Well… at least the concept is there… basketball net for sneakers… but they look sooooooooooooooo wack it is amazing. There is nothing about them visually that says that this is a top of the line shoe for a top of the line player.
If its going to be about a basketball net, it could have been done way better than that. They could have pulled a T-Mac and put a piece of net in the back of the shoe like the wood panel in the T-Mac 5's
… and I'm still waiting to see what Jordan does for XX3. I'll still get them, but they better not be wack.
HAHA, yes, some ugly shoes to match his ugly game
I will not lie but when I saw the first pick i was like wat the hell is this, but I will not lie it do not look to bad on his feet
If I wanted to wear a basket on my foot….I'd wear a basket on my foot. those look horrible.
i would not even ball in those they look ugly and not even playin shoes
JOEY CHESTNUT BEAT KOBAYASHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!
TRASH…they lo0k like those shoes that the ninjas in teeange mutant ninja turtles used to wear hahaha
JOEY CHESTNUT BEAT KOBAYASHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nike is falling off as we speak
i think it look like 2k4 net version
i think there sick as hell
for hooping
they look ok
but performace wise theyll be off the charts
First off, these shoes make me want to sell my 2 closets full of Nikes. (Just had to get that off my chest)
But really, i mean isn't every higher number in a player's shoe series suppose to be a shoe technology upgrade from the one before? I mean, every Jordan evolved with different straps, soles, are pockets etc. I can see they wanted to be different with the design and that's fine (not saying the design is decent at all, it actually makes me want to puke) but it seems like a clearance sale shoe from Big 5 with a basket woven over it. I mean, unless they more features are to be added, this shoe looks like it came from the stone-age. C'mon, simple lacing and no other means of ankle support and "huggage"? weak shoe. The nike sign in the back is also tacky. It looks like they ran out of space and some dumbass forgot to minimize the logo on his computer design.
It could actually be a decent shoe if they exchanged that cheap ass dark black leather on the toes and ankle s to maybe patent leather like the AJ XIs. And of course, you gotta get rid of the net.
yo, liberace… u iz wack. U dint hav 2 wayst yo tyme rightin a damn term paypa bout how deez kikz make yo ballz feel. u smell?
u coulda jus sayd:
deez kikz dun sit ryte wit mah left nut or my ryte nut.
wii wuda undersmelled yo ass if u diz dat. but watevaz. deez kikz iz not swole. wudint even pik up mah sidekik if deez kikz wur callin me… u smell? aight, rememberz, neva foget da storii bout da love nd hate ringz. i'm out. ONE!!!
pookie… you are a dumbass. you "undersmell" me?
and do you even know wat pookie means?
the air zoom spiderman..
but kobe said in the azk2 launch he wants the lightest hoop shoe possible, i guess this is the lightest hoop shoe. dont know if it has to be ugly to make it light
Fugidabouit…………These Is Straight "What The Hells"
I personlly don't like the design, but the shoe is made 2 ball out in. Not walk around and look cute.
I personally don’t like the design, but the shoe is made 2 ball out in. Not walk around and look cute.
Love em. I hate that colorway…kind of plain.
I think these shoes have so much potential. I also think the shoes will be classics.
They have a Nike Shox Stunner Feel to them…..Kind of how everyone hates them…but they perform so well on the court, Given the right colorway…they will look good.
My only concern is how heavy they are?…I see alot of rubber.
I LOVE THEM!!! The only thing I don't like about them is that BIG ASS SWOOOOOOSH on the back…looks outta place. IThey look hot and Light…
Let me add…that I love the height also…looks very supportive.
Im glad that Nike is getting aggressive with their looks….The Posers where taking the function out of the Basketball SHoes…forcing them to look more casual. I have a stable of casual shoes I can rock off the court. I need some pure performing shoe.
A true Basketball Fan wont hate these shoes because they innovative and have a nice shape to them…only people that will hate are those that want to wear them around too look good for their homies.
those are some of the ugliest shoes i have ever seen.Wouldnt wear them if some1 paid me.
I think Morris said it best:
"Fishnet – Black pantyhose.
Big legs – Show through the hose."
These are perfect for Princess Kobe when he steps out.
these look like those shoes divers wear. u kno??
daym those r pretty gross. i was hopin these wud be the kobe lites…
They Look Like The Air Wacks that Martin had in that 1 episode LOL I'ma a true Lakers and Kobe Fan so I will rock Them Lmao!
I'm a huge Kobe fan, but those shoes look like a basketball net. There so stupid.
Dont like them, they look bad performance wise aswell. Looks like they would hurt the top of my foot since its one flat peice of rubber (and that rubber looks a bit hard – no homo)
Style wise…nike didnt produce these to look cute im sure. We all know nike knows whats fresh when it comes to fashion.
before i wear i rather rock marbury then those pieces of garbage
remove the rubber boxes and put a stiched check and leave the check in the back and leave net out soles
These shoes have a lot of potential. All they need is to have a little more yellow on the shoe, and take that swoosh in the back and put it on the side of the shoe in the middle of the netting, and outline the swoosh with yellow. Also if they put some yellow on the part that is grey, and add a kobe symbol on the back then they will be real NICE!!!
jesus…those are one horrible pair of basketball shoes
These shoes look like fishing nets. I do agree with the ninja looking style too. I would understand if Kobe kicked people instead of hitting them in the face after a shot, thus the ninja theme would've been perfect for him. These shoes betta cost less than $70.
As good as Kobe is, you'd think Nike would put some real effort towards making his kicks hot. These are what we call in the CHI as "W's" (Wack)
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! why Kobe? why? i wouldn't even beat my kids with these shoes.
Sincere was dead on point. Them do remind me of the ninja turtle joints.LOL
they should put some shinny thing on or something……
man i hope they make these
so i can laugh at the dumb ass who bought them
they look like some crazy high tech shoes that Batman would wear
these better perform damn good on the court
dey look comfortable as shyt tho
i think the shoe would look better if the woven part on the outer part of the shoe didnt go so high, it would look better if it was lower like the inner part
uh, nike people, rmmber what happened to d adidas kobe 2?? il b surprised if kobe wont leave nike bec of these shoes… these are plain ugly.
I really think these are just WAKE BOARD BINDINGS & not really shoes, i think the shipping labels got mixed up with Nike watersports department. These are the only shoe that makes the lebron V look good & saying that just gave me a chill in my soul that may haunt me for the rest of my days. My only other guess is Nike is helping the Jordan XX3 look better by having these ugly shoes to compare. God help the future of shoes. Peace.
they need some patent leather in there
who ever makes kobe shoe desings needs tinker hatifield
these wayyy nastyyy
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these are look terrible…remind me of the mowabb wovens…i dont kno if i would wear themon the streets..maybe the court if there comfortable
i really hope these are test samples!!! kobe approved this???
looks pretty comportable BUT looks ugly..extremely ugly!…
these look like something nike would have made for dennis rodman a decade ago… 'introducing, the darwin II"
That's the dumbest statement ever. I bet your favorite shoe is an Air Jordan which was most likely designed by a WHITE guy named Tinker for a BLACK guy named Jordan. Get outta here with your stupidity.
….and baker your shoes are fake and lame.
I give Nike props on originality but damn…all i want to say is im not mad im just so disappointed….they gon be light tho!
kinda hot i like em
Does the guy who did this works for Addidas?
if dey wer low cuts dey would look lik doz crocs water shoes
i would def. ball in those
this is one ugly shoe
I dont know, I think I'd rather rock some of them shaq shoes form kmart
i would rather wear some dam dollar general shoes
they will look good on my feet
They would've been okay had NIKE not butcher the shoe by placing that ovebearing swoosh on the back. That's horrible!!!
the zk3 looks awsome.i luv the shape of the sneaker.also the lines design on the side is a eye catcher.i wont say they are better than the zk2 but its up as on of the best kobes made yet.cant wait for the release.
That shoe is f*cking disgusting. What on earth is Kobe thinking. Should have kept with the Zoom 2s.
I like 'em, just put on some socks first dude.
dang… they look like some stupid shoe they made by theirselves…and saying it is the first-look of the zoom kobe III… zoom kobe II hasn't been released for a long time yet… it's just some stupid fake which nike didn't make at all but they did it theirselves…
This shoe is SO HOT, it's on fire, one of the best most innovative designs Nike did in years!!
the absolute ugliest pair of ball shoes ive seen in my entire life.
Well Said Jelo =)
my mother could poop out ba better pair of shoes than those ugly mug of forgetaboutits. I could go up to a hobo and he would give me a better shoe than that.
These Kobes are cool enough.
For those bitching, you could always, I don't know…just not buy them.
Internet + morons with too much time = more bitching than a group of old ladies.
hahahahaha is that a joke
ugly shoe
looks can deceive ya'll but fellas I own a pair of these and this are fine,fine,fine, pair of kicks man!!!!!!!!!!
ugly as hell, but when Kobe is on the court no one will complain
spiderman shoe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love the white and light blue and im gonna get them when they come out
those are dope.
your not supposed to like them because most of you were never around during the first wave of dope releases. you like what has been established as popular already!
these r so ugly and and I though the wade's were ugly
yo theese are wak the front kinda looks like the kobe 2s and they the ugliest sneakers ive ever seen
i already have those shoes and its cool.and it has a gud grip on the floor lyk spidey!!!!!!!!hehehe.have u been seen the lebron 6?its kind a cool but i dont know if this shoes will avail in the market.lots of fake of upcoming shoes is already avail here in philippines.
these gotta be the ugliest good ballin kicks I done seen, but u still my man Kobe. 1ST MVP 2007-08
cmon, this shoes arent worse than those jordan basketball skin 22 shoes. Its like the lebron 4s once ppl saw it hated it then later loved it.
i love the zoom 1 2 and 3!
W H Y!!! I'll just say this. the Nike Zoom Kobe III's are not the best design that Nike has had??? and I will just leave it at that!!!
I agree with David "watch out for my flight" I would cop them? but I wouyld not wear them!!! it's
Oh gosh, I'd rather buy 3 Zoom Kobe 2s than getting this hiking boots
these kicks look horrible unworn but alrite when they bein worn by someone. it seems like every year the design of kobe's shoes keep on getting worse. the kobe 1s were pretty tight, but the 2s weren't that great and now the 3s like this? are you kidding me? they better make the 4s a lot better than this.
fat ass legs, dos kobe 3 look to tight….better design plz
Did these take a day to come up with? Kobe ain't gonna touch these shoes!
they do not look like the new best generation of kobe's shoes but i wont lie to you they look great in he's feet in those pictures but hey kobe u must give these shoes some style man ur my best
ok it's been a few weeks and I still aint feelin'em? but will cop'em if they ever drop? and in the article it said that Kobe would be rockin'em in the beginning of the NBA season? well he aint rockin'em? he is rockin the 2K3's huarache's!!! with the Lakers colorways!!! I guess he aint feelin'em either hahaha!!!
I guess KObe aint feelin'em either, the Nike Zoom Kobe III's that is!!!
how much is it???
i got to wear a pair last week in a few games let me tell you they maybe ugly but they are the lightest and most comfortable pair of shoes i have ever worn
its all up who os wearng the shoes if youe not confident wearing it then it looks garbage to you because your a garbage thats the reason why it looks like garbage for you!!!
its one of the best shoes i've ever had!!!
although i dont like the color black…because the one that i have i they gray with the blue one…i know its not out in the market yet…but sorry guys i already have one of these newest shoe of kobe!!!
can you imagine how light they mos def hooping shoes
I go for the J's usually to style out, so this might be a definite hoop shoe buy. If they fit good, who cares what they look like. Nobody was thrilled about the nike vapor cleats when they came out, but they got the job done.
yaw crazy. those shoes are on hit! in 10 yrs the same people thats bashin these kicks will be trying to get a pair of the reissues talking bout they got em when they first came out. The idea is so simple its genius. Then to stick da nike sign on da back almost like the old rodmans, that was tight. Im gettin em and probably wont even wear em. In 10yrs you haters gonna wish you got you some.
yo the kix are wiggidy wiggidy wacc, but lo key though they do look good on the white boi in the flix. Maybe they'll look good in a different color maybe not most likely we'll see them on xmas
Bet all of you will like when you see them up front. No matter what they may look like, to anyone who plays ball, wear any pair of Kobe's, and you will see, they are BY FAR the best basketball shoe Nike or any other company makes.
yea i agree they look pretty sick and i cant wait to wear them..
there not that bad but that dudes got some hairy legs
holy! what did they do with the AZK3??? it kinda looks odd man. they shouldn't have overdo that basket-theme-thingy over there. but under the rest, it shouldn't affect Kobe's performance on court and to the other ballers out there whom cannot wait to wear one of them. but, I like AZK1 better. design was the illest man. im out, peace!
yea all the dick on the bb 2 shoes say they suck and i just think there kick ass thats all i have to say
and dos anybody know when they are going to be in mens sizes on eastbay
i think you kobe haters are just hating the shoe because it's kobe…
well…you suck!
all kobe shoe are the best!
and this pair of shoes are made for kobe!
not for you to wear it!
so just keep you mouth shut!
ZK3 is a good design!
all this negative feedback sounds pretty familiar…i guess all ya'll forgot about when the foamposites and flightposites first came out…everyone was bashin' em but they wound up being revolutionary and wanted even years after their release…btw, the shoes are dope and i already know they'll be exceptional shoes to ball in…i know i'm gettin me a pair
you guys keep saying these are ugly shoes, but once they are for sale you are all lining up to get one. why not try the shoe first before saying its a bad one? does anyone remember jordan 11's? and the foamposites?
all of them were said to be doomed even before they are released. but here they go, still being sought after even today.
i am a sneakerphile myself, i got a closet full of shoes from jordans, kobes and lately lebrons. shoes are a personal preference, looks are not the just the basis of judgment. ive worn a lot of shoes and i got a handful that i can say are my favorites. let's see what this "spiderman web shoe" offers, i for one will get one. so i can get a feel and tell you guys if its a fluke or a great innovation… : )
yo these shoes are just not that appealing to some becasue they are so different, but these were made to hoop in FACT. They are very lite and supportive FACT, and the design is creative something different which I like OPINION, talking to the hoopers only you guys will grow to like em
thoes r the harest forest wildlif legs i have ever seen i will by u a rasor and shaving crem 4 christmas
jk jk jk jk jk jk lol
like the shoes u have very good looking legs
yo tell me they dont look like fuken spider man boots or sum shit lmaoo
They r sooooooooooooooo comfterble its not even funny
those are cool shoes
These shoes are awesome, i just need to find some in my size.
Well, the Zoom Kobe II are way better. These stand up in the toe section while you wear them for a day or two. Iv'e noticed this because I own the Zoom III that I brought from Kieloom, China. I guess Im going to have to get another pair of the Zoom Kobe II's.
these shoes actually look good and would sell if they came out with different colors. The all star editions are fly.
This ball shoes are one of the best shoes for those basketball players out there… many people would criticize about on how it looks but if your purpose is to use it for playing the game(basketball), well definitely, you're on the right track… The Kobe 3 is very light compare to other shoes, don't be deceived by the "BOOTS" like or simply called "HI-CUT" style, it is placed there for a purpose… for your ankle… for those who criticize this ball shoes, maybe you're not using it for playing but instead for another reason. :D
hooora!!!!these shoe is wacked can i use this for fishing?
xq algunas dicen MAMBA y otras dicen NIKE…???
they just killed it.. but i bought the shoe though .. its light, very very comfortable.. probably just dont judge the book by its cover. lets say its for you to find out… ill recommend it to a friend.
the best $130 i'll ever spend. i'm a huge fan of the 2k4's and these look like an extension of the 2k4's. thank you nike for all of the different concepts dropped in 08. adidas and reebok: catch up!!!!!
When i bought these shoes, It wasn't cause they were the best looking, its cause they are simply amazing. The lightest, most supportive, most comfotable shoe you ever put on, u dont even need to break them in. so much better then the Lebrons or Nike shox piece of crap shoe! You haven't played bball until u played in these shoes, besides, they grow on you. They are pretty amazing! Amazing Job Kobe, almost like they actually thought of the players wearing them when they made them.
these shoes are sweet because of the diamonds on it. ITS NOT A NET IT KOBE MAN COME U THINK HE WOULD LOOK CRAPPY ON THE CROUT NO HE FLY
i bought it. this shoes like sock.
it's so comfortable
hi kobe my fravorite player do you think that you can get me a pair of basketball showes plese and thanks very much
I think kobe is a great basketball piayer
Do you have these in white?
Where did u get these shoes?