Here we bring you the first preview online of the Nike Zoom LeBron 5 in a Black/White-Varsity Crimson-Black color scheme. The Nike Lebron 5 features a design that almost looks like elephant print, gold speckled sole, and a strap for maximum stability. To date, I believe this pair of Nike Zoom Lebron V looks the best. Expect to see this pair late 2007 to early 2008.
not bad LeBron
don't like..not bad but just not 4 me i dunno if it is the weird elephant print that they used or the strap
gay like the RU
looks like a tmac shoe
them hoes sick
i'd wear them strictly for the court though
not a bad shoe bad guess the traction wil be bad
they are just fine!! if it compares with kobe 3, it will a lot better. im a big kobe fan, but i would get LJ 5.
looks like a tmac shoe?
im a big lebron fan, but man, those are ugly.. tmacs are way better than those..
i love the look of this, all of u r idiots to think that this shoe is bad looking or ugly, best leBron shoe yet, im gettin it in november
those r real hot but my favorite is still the 3s and the 4s
I am definitely going to cop those
dang these r pretty sick
these are actually not that bad..compared 2 the last lebrons released..these are GOLD!
garbage in garbage out i am a big lebron fan i have from 1 to iv and about to stop @ that i am so disappointed enough said
Yo im impressed, tey betta tan i thought tey would be. Pretty sick man!!!!!!!!! IM DEF GENIN PAIR!!!
Noy sure bout t coulor way but beta shape tan t last 1's!!!!!!
dese shoes rock hard…im not 2 sure about tha strap tho..4 casual wear i'd take it off..looks kinda wack…and it needs more red for a lebron shoe too…but its growing on me…but i liked em better las week of the other 1s they were showing wit tha red soles..and y on this 1 is it half patent/ half reg. leather…thats dumb…all patent is better!…but im still coppin a pair cum november..mos out…1
what do u mean is ugly?!…come on there awesome!!!..some people are just blind!!!..straight up!..
i feel like im in they live. im the one with the sunglasses, here to chew bubblegum and kick some ass, and im all outta bubble gum. anyone that likes anything in the past 6 years is brainwashed. facism fashion baby. 1984 fools.
i seen better i think it is better than the 4s but its not a pair i needa get but the best overall i think are da 2s and 3s but dats my opinion
I only like the gold speckel thing they got going on there. Very unique. But the over all look of the sneaker is plain.
How you go from Lebron IV to this?
i have 1 pair of 1's, 2 pair of 2's, 1 pair of 2 strap battlegrounds, 1 pair of 3's, and 3 pair of 4's. i am definetly getting a few pair of the 5's.
this is butt ugly compare to the 3z and 2z does where the best..
Dey ight but i think da straps jus messes it all up
The worst Lebron so far.
let there be light!
how much?
I like them. The early sketches I saw were horrible but the final design looks good in my opinion.
Notice how all the lebron shoes have straps or strap like elements
Those are niiice kicks though, I'll get them fo' really and my game will be tighter :-D Nah Meaan?:-D
I think these are the best lebrons yet, basketball wise cas i think the lbj4's were heavy and more like a walking shoe, thats why lebron changed into the soldiers in the playoffs
from reviewing all the color wayz of the lebrom 5's i would agree that these are the best 5's i'v seen. but i still feel that these are the worst lebrons thus far!
i believe the "patent" part is actually the phyposite material. it's in the heel and the toe, then the leather in the toe is just added.
this shoe is solid. i actually like it a lot. it'd look great on or off the court. it also looks comfortable as heck. is that a modified version of sphere on the tounge? my only issue with the shoe is the traction pattern. i'm very skeptical of tread patterns other than herringbone. but if the rubber is a very sticky kind, it should be good.
I want to have lebrons child
these are the illest shoes to ever exist
i am gonna buy at lesat 80 pairs of these bad boys
All yall who thank dat dees r not da realest kicks ever can go jump off a bridge aight
im not gon gets dees cuz im getta da illest pair of air force 25s ever man u know wat i mean. yeah lebron is da greatest black guy to ever ball they gon to da olympics cuz he and melo anth r the illest dimers in da world. Mike millar is untouchable and redd is on fire they r sick. Peurto rico didnt stand a chance
it was turn over citty all night long and they dominated all night long. lionel ritchie couldnt have sang it better. Lebron is better than mj ever was. on the real baby gurl. Casey Mcdonald for president. Chris saunders for vice pres. pj sheahan for sec. and pat c for prime minister…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………of milasia.
zoom lebron 3 amazin 4 and 5 gay
looks a lot like the Jordan XX and some other shoes I've seen before… I'm not impressed
These lebrons are sick just like all the other ones. I thought the 4's were the best but im startin to think that these top the 4's.LeBron James is the best player in the nba, and if not now, he will soon be the best ever. Im most definately gonna cop a couple pairs of these.I heard the price is $145.00 but that might be wrong. well someone please tell me if they know when they come out and what the price is?Thanks. "All hail the king."
i wrote the messagejust before this and i still dont kno when these come out and how much they r. let me kno if u kno.
these shoes are crisp,, they simple and nice i think theyd look much better in person, these are nice!
these are goos stricly for the court not nethin else but the colrways hot prolly get for crest ball im hopin to see a new colorway
Man im a big fan of lebron i like them but i dont like that strap but i have them and there good for basketball
Yeep! what is the prise off this shoes?
F*** I just bought LJ4 now there's LJ5 s***!!!!
Damn where can i buy it now??
good as