Having shared a little bit of info and a few renderings of the NIKEiD LeBron XI, it looks like we can finally inform all of you sneakerheads on when you will be able to create your very own pair. October 7th is the day the LeBron XI is scheduled to be available via NIKEiD. As mentioned in the previous post, all of you sneakerheads will have the Glow-in-the-dark, paint speckle and chroma color-shifting options available to play with as you design your very own one of a kind pair of kicks. Read on after the jump to check out a few more renderings and be sure to let us know if you plan on paying the NIKEiD site a visit next month.
Nike LeBron XI ID
Milla Lopes sélouco
Lawd Jesus! !! ♥♥
Darmond Maurice….smh