After recounting the votes, the Purple Nike Air Force 1 High that was released in 1993 has been declared the winner of the NYC Nike 1Vote. In the end, the Stash x Futura Air Force 1 Low Hyperstrike was stripped of his title and in the end, it became clear who the real winner was.
Both of the shoes equally deserve to hold the title as they are both an amazing creation by Nike, however the people decided that the Purple ’93 High was more worthy to be re-issued. Available later this exclusively in NYC.
lol a recount.. on the first post of the winner i reported the mass voting for both of these shoes by only two people.. i was expecting the htms that were in third to be the clear winner since it had over 4000 votes while these 2 "first place winners" had an average of 14000 each.. democracy suked in this case.
this sneaker is more ny than the other almost winner to me. ny-ers go for those solid colors. only going by what I see since I'm all over the city everyday
Tell your moms 2 go on ebay and get it 4 me
^^^^ dont listen to him…hes a reekbok rep who designed the kool-aid pack smh…
Hey Johnny aka Flame-off
Y did u cheat on the vote
Y did u vote 50 times
Y does your honda have a tweety bird licence plate?
i would rock these joins wit a purple polo and a purple fited the joins is hot all day one of the top 8th grade gaurds shout out to aaron Mcglawn all day!
Bring back the highs sick of lows.
Happy we gettin back to some classics, you want the stash futuras then get ur hands on a real pair of them and pay the money. Last year they messed with forces way too much, we need some true hotness like these
^^^^ Son if you need money to cop those Stash off vintage kicks, holla at me i'll give you a job. Vintage Nikes > New school, you the type to slobber all over a wack pair of shoes cuz Futura's name is on it, get off the dick yo…..
Hey Doom
Do You have a lil bitch ass-ness in you?
Your done for the day, wrap it up B.
What are you talking about 'type to slobber', jobs, money, dicks.. use your brain and make a comment on the article instead of me and your assumptions over the internet about how old or poor i might be.
The fact is Stash's won and bitches complained. Recount my ass, everything was tallied digitally. There is no recount the final numbers are there. No way they can be different unless manually changed.
Ty’son – Guess you were one of the bitches.
You should take your own advice and go get those purple ones on ebay.. Oh wait theyre basically non-existant let alone one in your size popping up pretty much like stash futura’s. Recount shouldnt have been done. I swear you gotta be some hype beast from i dont give shit.
these plain sh!ts over Stash's? smd,this aint 93' its 2008,that plain shit might of been hot 15 years ago but not now….
make retros of the sneaker winners, then thatd be exciting!
I'ma need a NYC connect to cop those for me!!!!
Anyone who's happy or feels that it doesn't matter that the stash's didn't win can go kill yourself. It doesent matter that the pair that lost is still availible for triple the amount they cost, who has money 2 throw away like that? Not you
thats the only blueberry that makes my mouth water for a taste i goota have them
thats the only blueberry that makes my mouth water for a taste i gotta have them
Nike Airs gotta be highs. This is a freakin dope example, yeh! This damn fine beauty has been my favorite for a long time. Love the velcro strap, it's aching tight! :D I'm so fuckin glad that they're reissuing it! xD
well these shoes r iight but they ain't all tht and a few words 2 nike stores if u sellin plain gym shoes like this ur not goin 2 get a lot of sells so maybe spice up your nikes and maybe more sells. but cant lie some of yall stuff be tight but keep it up!!!!!!!!