As many of our followers might know, Baron Davis and Brandon Jennings are not the only players in a sneaker contract with a less popular brand, (Li-Ning and Under Armour, respectively). Ron Artest joined the Peak brand a few years back, and now there are shots of the baller’s signature basketball sneaker- although they are not in the Los Angeles Lakers colorway. These come in a predominantly white base with sky blue stitching as well as black on the heel and Peak logo. Moreover, there is a snakeskin pattern on the midsole and Xcel-U label going down the tongue and underneath the shoe. Lastly, these come in a box with the words “I CAN PLAY” on it, leading many to almost inevitably nickname these the “I Can Play.” What do you guys think of what Peak has cooked up for Ron Artest? Let us know after the jump, and check out more pictures of this shoe.
Via Kenlu.
total crap
see how many players get hurt in these
These are kinda fresh for some ballins
that shoes suck,the REAK's slogan is fuxkin shit
"I CAN PLAY" is total suck…
NIKE is the best bball shoes ever sorry RA
more like "I CAN'T PLAY with these." But in fairness to PEAK, they have more designs that look better than what they gave RonRon. Goes to say that i am not really a fan of clunky shoes. they make me look like Ronald Mcdonald
it would be a lot cooler if he was wearing nike kobe shoes or jordan, something better than Peak. come on ron a true warrior wouldnt wear these.
Wow these are terrible, clunky, ugly, cheap lookin junk. Sign on with nike and wear the kobes like odom.
thes look like some shoes u use'ta get from HILLS. like when i was 5 and my mother was buyin me some shoes…..