With their past success with Road Stas, Bape has decided to release solid colored leather Road Stas as apposed to their bright patent leather ones released in the past. These three new Road Stas take a new subtle approach and look a little less flashy and more classy. Via Nicekicks.
Ha… these look like they have inverted stitching like the recent canvas AF1s. Nothing like knockoffs that cost more than the original. Bape should stick to what they know best, and that's being totally wild.
^ ever noticed that Bape has been a step ahead of nike? Bape was doing crazy stuff and then Nike followed. Now they are taking a diff direction and dont be surprised if Nike follows in their path.
Nike is never ahead of trends – they have to play things too safe and are always a season or two behind.
excuse me, Nike is never ahead of trends ?
can we just remember for a second who made the AF1? BAPE would be NOWHERE without Nike
I agree, Nike put out the AF1 loooonng ago–only Bape gave it a better revision. Personally, I like both but the AF1 is getting kinda played out now. It would be cool to see new modernized versions from whomever puts them out. Greedy, Nike, Bape….anyone at this point.
"Nike follow in their path."? "Nike is never ahead of trends?"
Hmmm, I wonder where that airsole came from. Nike has been going this direction (with solid, premium leather versions) for a while now.
Wowwww, what a statement! Where have you been during the last 30 Years?? Or were you born yesterday?
Lets wait at least 20 years before we make a statement like that. These two companies aren't even in the same echelon. There is no real comparison. Bape and GNS, now that's comparison.
Seriously what came first the chicken or the egg… who cares… this are nice… I rock both BAPE and NIKE.. Bape more now but Nike still… 2 different brands 2 different styles… no comparison except for the bapesta and af1 and in my opinion… but both are getting played out by posers… so stop the hate… grow up.. Act ur shoe size not ur age… ha
What I'm saying is, why on earth would I buy Bapes that are at least $100 more expensive when I can buy Nikes that look pretty much the same? I have no problem importing Bapes from Japan at $200 a pop when it's something cool like the multi-colored polka dots, the dots and stripes, or the KAWS Chompers…
But when the colors become standard, the fact is I don't care about the label at all, I care about the look.
What's my motivation to pay so much more?
I can't think of any.
These are inspired by the Red Wing boots popular in Japan. Notice the boot laces. All bape products are inspired. Whether they fit your taste is a different issue. So many trends have been set by Bape. Argue what you want, but they've made their mark.
I think these are really hot, I mean these types of shoes are like dress up shoes, so you would have to look fresh from head to toe. I would get these and look good at the same time.
Bape is so yesterdays news…
both bapes and AF1'S are getting old and are becoming played…so who really cares..
hey, Mac-a-frama-lama how about you stop hatin just cause you cant afford bapes. you talk like your king of sneakers when i bet you rock fuckin scechers. so how bout you stop talkin shit and go stick yo scetchers up yor pussy