I know our email box has filled up with questions on regarding the Reebok Court Victory Pump Glow in the Dark, but now we have some good news. Our friends at BNYCOnline received a huge shipment for more than reasonable price. Tons of sizes available now.
150??????they were 125 at alife
when and where can i find them at a store
i got mine at sneaker bistro out on long island holla
they go for 137$ at http://www.karmaloop.com
karmaloop suck the dont have size i have order my last week they just send me email that they are sold-out of the size i order . i just order my from bnyconline.com they already send me my tracking number in one hour .
They have them at http://www.premiumlacesny.com
sneaker bistro !!!!!!!!!! http://www.sneakerbistro.blogspot.com …….the hottest store in new york for sure…..check them out ….happy holiday's
en donde puedo conseguir esos tenis
soy de mexico DF