Rumor has it that next month will see an increase in price regarding the Nike Air Foamposite One. Which Foamposite One is said to debut along with the increase?
Supposedly the White/Black- Royal Nike Foamposite One’s will make its first retail appearance. Penny wore these Foams in the NBA Playoffs while facing off against the Miami Heat. No concrete information at this time so take this strictly as a rumor until otherwise noted.
With that out of the way, let your opinion be heard in the comments section. Do you feel the Foamposite One is worth a $25 increase in price? And if the rumors are true, how hyped will you be if a white/ black – royal Foam One (previously seen only on Penny’s own two feet) hit retail?
Above image is a PS image, NOT actual product.
Via Deftronic & NKTLK
i hate foams but the only 2 colorway i said i would ever buy was the space jams and now these. wow what a punk getting me worked up over some photoshop BS
Crazy. The foams are another over-hyped shoe that don’t deserve the price tag they are given. You mean to tell me that they are gonna make these $225 retail? That’s before tax. With tax in my area that would be $238. Nah man. They can keep ’em.
A $25 increase would make them $235 plus tax. And hypebeast make this sneaker over hyped. When these first dropped, nothing was touching them. Great sneaker
If you’re already paying over $200 an $25 shouldn’t be a problem for real Foam fanatics!
If you’re already paying over $200 an extra $25 shouldn’t be a problem for real Foam fanatics!
Price increase? Who care! These originally started the foamposite craze for me, the blue foams kept my stomach from rumbling until these were ever released….there is a God! Must cop, ima REAL PENNY HARDAWAY fan anyway! Guess illStack pennies til I getta release date…or marqueesole gets em!
a $25 price increase would suck, but it wouldnt totally stray me from buying foams. i would just become a little more picky as to which ones i would buy. i really hope that these white foams drop, they are beautiful.
Listen, i love foams and i…….kinda dont have a problem with spending that much on them, but Nike needs to clutch up with the quality of the shoes.
i wouldnt really so much appreciate the price increase but id pay the $135+ for these though.
i really hope these come out by the way.
hold up!
why the increase?
kinda unnecessary.
is it going to cost more to make them?
retailers have to spend $100.70 for the Pros and a little bit more for the Ones already.
they receive about a $90 profit per pair.
why would Nike even consider to do that?
Foams are already basically the most expensive “basketball” shoes there is besides the Air Yezzy’s.
hopefully its a rumor………………
when will this change from rumor to actuality?
$225? No thanks!
I would pay the extra 25.Your already paying 200 plus tax so whats a couple extra dollars.Nike needs to slack up on all the colorways.Foams at one point and time were very limited and now every hype beast and dirtball is wearing foams.
im not tripping off the 25 dollar increase. its just the fact that nike is dropping too many pair in one year. Foamposite’s used to be a exclusive release that came once every year…Nonsense
The problem is that ppl don’t see a problem with the price increases. So Basically we get a decrease on the Foam Pros, but a increase on the ones? Come on Nike… I really hope that is not true.
$200 to make them in china is bad, $225 at least make them in Taiwan. And stop with lame colors like Coppers.
…honestly, these shoes aren’t going to be exclusive so that profit thing u got going on up there, u can miss me wit that…the foams r always good quality (made lik tanks and never really get messed up), and I do expect to add these to the collection..I think I’ll do what everyone else does and not cop these on the same day they release (I’ll wait til the price drops cuz ppl aren’t going to pay that price tag)…I copd the royal blues when they first dropd and their still n the store along wit the pearls…I love to see the price stay at 200 but I guess you can’t have everything u want…last thing; real talk if ppl r willing to keep paying the higher price for the shoes the company will increase the price until they c ppl unwilling to pay the price they put on em FYI
Here’s Nikes Business equation:
FOAMPOSITES cost a LOT of $$ to produce.
Higher pricepoint=better overall margin for nike=less shoes produced= “more exclusivity”=Guaranteed sell out! This also means tighter allocation = Niketown’s, HOH, select boutiques = more money + Faster Turnaround = good for business!
Nike is now able to have better control over the sell through by limiting the amount of goods on the market and thus create artificial demand, the higher pricepoint also means that the people purchasing these shoes are more vested in the product. Look at the concensus, if you’re already paying 2 bills for a pair of shoes an extra 25 bucks doesn’t murder your pockets.
I do think it’s bad to raise the pricepoint for no reason. But would I cop? Hell yes I would I paid 250 for a pair of Dr. Doom foams in 2007 so who am I to eff tradition up?
I live in 757……where do you still see pearls? and what’s the discount on them?
Zae these will be a quickstrike since it’s only a month away till release….in other words 757 won’t get them, price won’t matter to resellers, and they will sell out fast.
manee easterr comee im coppin desee ‘
This post is a lie penny wore the blue foams against the heat in the 97 playoffs.
I agree with everyone else that stated that nike should relax with the fianpodiyr release. Their no longer unique especially now that everyone and their moms Can get their hands on em. Now they wanna price increase it’s nolonger worth it.
The foams are considered one of the best ballin shoes ever, but they feel kinda like boots, i think technology has long surpassed their glory days, try Kobe’s, Lebron’s, or some new J’s!
i think that they should not increase the price $200 is enough for foamposites but $225 that crazy if they would increase the price they would not sell alot
I dont care I want these shoes . Im only hopin it wont b havoc like the pewters was . Plz make a official release date for these i dont care .
Maybe if they would bring back the black bottoms instead of the clear bottoms it would be worth it because after a while these clear bottom turn piss yellow and that’s not cool especially if ur paying over 200.00 for them.
A price increase isn’t going to matter people are going to buy what they want regardless when they came out in 97 they were $170 anyway a $50 increase after 14 years isn’t really something to whine about there aren’t enough foamposites for everyone that’s why they mke different colors to choose from.
they need to make them real fast because they are hard but keep the same price ($200)
It does not cost nike a lot of money to produce any sneakers or they’re clothes. They are a billion dollar industry and they take part in one of the biggest crime industry’s of slave labor. These probably cost under $2 to make at the most, and they sell them off to the branches of footlocker, foot action, finishline etc…
On another note, this is a false rumor, this colorway was a photoshop done by niketalker BP.. so this will not release, stop the hype train guys. They will not be $225, this shit needs to stop.
we all have bought a pair of sneakers from a reseller for a lil or a lot over retail price….you didnt think nike would take advantage knowing the consumers would pay 300$$ for a pair of 125 dollar shoes?!?!? not they markup the shoe to 160 and they are online for 359 as we keep buying the markups we gonna get nike marking up we pay so they get us….i wont pay 225 for no shoes i’ll wait till they have them on sale the cough drops are 160 now too many shoes flood the m arket and they all dont get bought i’ll wait they are hot tho
An increase would be ridiculous since here in NYC foam posite are already 350$. But White Foams are to die for. I would have to have them just like the lime green ones I own and I don’t even like sneakers.
tell the truth, i need these, i stay in oakland, ca and shit ,the retail price we pay is 220 plus tax so we payin bout 240 over my way that extra 25 dollar more is outta pocket i feel like nike dickin the community sendin little amounts of these shoes to areas gettin people killed over shoes n shit but for these,them galaxies, and them titanium black with the blue nike sign (Nike Air Foamposite One Black/ Royal Style #314996-094) ill pay the extra dollar even though i know it probably only take like 60 dollar worth of material to make these shoes and they probably givin the people who make the shoes another 10 dollars… nike scanless but i guess i gotta go get these those
i remember when these shoes cost 180 out the door in like 09 , and they had hella them in the stores, cause they wasnt sellin but now they sell out hella fast in like 10 min. this shiit crazy, i love foams tho