Solebox is preceding to take the sneaker collaboration title, with yet a new impressive Saucony Jazz. Although a sneaker not spoken of a lot throughout the sneakerhead community, this Saucony Jazz x Solebox might bring life back to the brand.
The Saucony Jazz x Solebox features a buttery soft suede, nylon, and shades of Brown and Orange. As of now, a release date or availability is not known, but we will update you soon. Via The Clones.
ewww. first!
Please buy i need money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
put some socks on plz
these are socorny get it
Small balls?
Post with your own name if you are men enough!
It seems you like the shoes otherwise you would not post something like this. If you like i can put you on the list ; )
Hikmet,you must have a lot of time.If you read the whole day any postings about you and your shop.Also you are posting so many things in hundres of blogs.
Is your business so bad,that you have to do all that work? Ok i know its all about the money.
pic angle is weird, dude's foot looks like he's into bondage. Tree hugger style sneaker imo.
can you say cankles?
hey ich hab ein bericht bei Galileo (Pro7)gesehn über dich und dein Schuhstore.ich habe auch einen kleinen schuhtick.ok vllt ist er auch ein bisschen größer:-) aber ich habe eine frage ob du mir vllt sagen kannst wo ich folgende schuhe herbekomme?und die wären…
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vllt kanst du mir ja irgendwann mal persönlich antowrten und mir sagen wo ich diese schuhe herbekomme.
mit freundlichen grüßen David