New performance brands have been popping up left and right as of late. One such brand is SG3, who at this point have designed and produced custom footwear for professional athletes. Currently they wish to expand and have already started to concentrate on their future commercially available lines.
There are a few designs being tinkered with and can all be seen after the jump.
If you wish to get to know the guys over at SG3, click HERE to read their full interview with Monkee Design.
SG3 Ski Boot? Concept
SG3 Running Shoe Concept
Zorbtion Concept Render
SG3 Superlite concepts
Various other concepts
Via SG3
they all look like cheap rip offs of nike and adidas…tisk tisk doesnt everybody know you cant compete in the shoe game if your going to make performance shoes that try to rival both nike and the three stripes…
btw the joints at the top look just like an adidas design
you gotta be on crack to were this……………..
Not original enough . Some of the Shoe design have merit just get rid of the stripes and the gimmick Schetcher’s logo. first and foremost think out of the box . looks like a Frankenstein combination design of all the latest top commercial company looks? Easley seen by true sneaker enthusiasts.
Very interesting, looking forward to seeing how these renders come across in an actual shoe.
Yeah one looks a little like the Nike Freerunner but i think the rest look pretty cool. Zorbtion is MONEY!
Love the shoe designs, an ispiration to future sports footwear. Lets hope the right people get to see these amazing innovative designs and bring them to reality. Well Done.
I have a question. I have two pairs of SG3 Sheff”s (as for Gary Sheffield the baseball player). They are pretty crazy looking but I just can’t find anything out about these, anybody know anything about them or what they are worth? I have yet to wear them.