SneakerFiles family,
If you’ve got graphic design skills, we’ve got an amazing opportunity for you. Here at SneakerFiles, we are in the process of revamping our site; part of that process includes creating a new logo, which is where you, dear reader, come in…
Starting immediately, we are giving you the opportunity to become a part of SneakerFiles history by creating our official logo. Our hope is that one of the talented members of our readership will come up with an amazing design that will become our permanent logo, an icon that will come to represent SF forever. Are you up to it?
Now, it wouldn’t be much of a contest without a prize, and we here at SneakerFiles aren’t the type to skimp our readers; we don’t do it with our content, so we damn sure aren’t going to start with our contests! Besides having the opportunity to create the logo that represents SneakerFiles, the lucky winner will receive a pair of the Air Jordan XI “Gamma Blue”*, one of the most anticipated releases of 2013. It seems like every release is a crap shoot, with more strike outs than success stories, but we’re giving you a chance to take matters into your own hands and win a pair, thanks to your creativity alone. How dope is that?
Below are all the details you’ll need to enter the contest. Please make sure to read everything before entering, as you don’t want to get disqualified for not following the rules or missing something. Have fun with it, as we will surely have fun checking out all your submissions! And lastly, good luck!
How to Enter:
1. Create and submit an original logo.
There is no limit to the amount of logos you can submit, but keep in mind that the winner will not be picked for quantity; they’ll be picked on the quality of their submission, and quality alone.
2. Submit your entries – along with your name, address, phone number, and email – to
3. The contest begins now, and the last day to enter submissions is September 30th, 2013.
4. If selected, the winner must be able to provide any corrections, modifications, and file types of the winning logo upon request. Any of the typical file types (.jpg, .gif, etc.) is acceptable for the initial entry.
5. Again, your design must be exactly that: your design. This means it’s an original work, something that you and you alone created. No copying and no cheating!
6. Lastly, if no entry is deemed usable by our staff of judges, no winner will be selected. So please, be on your A-Game, as we will only pick a winner if their work is worthy of representing
Guidelines and Details:
We are looking for something clean, professional, and timeless – with its own unique twist – as the logo to represent our site. Only the best will do. The winner will be chosen by the SneakerFiles staff.
This contest has been created to pick a new logo for our website, All entries will become the sole property of SneakerFiles and may be used by the SneakerFiles. As we will be using said logo(s) on our website, as well as possibly on print, merchandise, and/or video, it is crucial that said logo(s) are not similar to any copyrighted logo/images. Anything too similar to a known and/or copyrighted image will not win the contest, so please make sure that your entries are unique and (most importantly) original works.
*If the Air Jordan XI “Gamma Blue” is unavailable, a comparable replacement of equal or lesser value will be selected by our staff.
must have !!!
Best Jordan ever !!! ;)
Kike Valderrama Zane Baldarez Junior Vazquez Vazquez
Nah ill just buy mine
Has to be a catch
Alexandra Cota
Farah Ben Mrad Jihene Guesmi Ken Block
Love it!
Ricardo Roy Rocha
JP Arceo Ray Piedra :)
what if i’m not in the USA?
Best J’s ever !!!! Must have !!!! ;)
must have !!!!!!!
Best 11 ever !!! ;)
Is this contest still available?
Are you guys going to pick a winner for these or what?!?!?!?!