Supra has been rather busy with creating new sneakers for their skateboarders like Antwuan Dixon and Terry Kennedy, but they have more trick up their sleeve, the Skytop II. The next stage of the Skytop line is limited to only this teaser image which display a high top silhouette and large tongue by the looks of it. Details are limited to, but the Skytop III will be debuting at the Supra booth at this years Agenda Trade Show in July. We can only hope that the second Skytop was as nice as the first one and would be featured in more collaborations, something that the original model did recently. Stay posted for more details and an actual photo as soon as news breaks.
Been waitin a long time 4 this.
skytops are the new bad wagon
every one is on their nuts just cause wayne wears them
ugly ass shoe as always no matter what color way
come on people
^^^its actually because they're hella comfy
actually the sky tops were popular when they came out with the 14k and mickey factz rocked em first, yea more ppl rocked cuz lil wayne but thy always have been dope
fuck lil wayne and who the fuck mickey factz… i wear supra cuz there one of the best skate shoes you can get, if you where supras and you never touched a skateboard your a poser
timcinnati is just mad B'kuz he's broke and can only afford dunks. And ''Jigga Shutup'' sounds like he gets picked on by black kids , for being gay. — Say what you want about supra's , but until you actual BUY a pair and feel how comfy they are , you will forever be a D O U C H E .
Josh, ur an idiot…Supra came out w a "NS" line for casual wear..It's idiots like u, that keep the crime rate going up for getting their asses whipped…dumbass…
Hypebeasts rejoice!!! The new knee high skytop is here!!!
i like it when someone says they don't like a shoe and people say that its because they are poor and can't afford them. i personally hate supra and i can afford them and if you don't skate don't touch them posers. and that NS shit is stupid people who don't skate buy more than just NS so don't try that shit. and i find it funny that back in 2005 when supra first started they couldn't sell a shoe and were almost bankrupt then they made these skytops and other unskateable shoes then they became popular.
wow josh. ur a fackin retard man, i mean seriously, how does wearing comfy shoes make u a poser? i hate ppl like u, just shut the ****up, it doesnt matter what shoes ppl wanna wear.
fuck shit cunt bitch ass twat cum dick ass mecrob pussy
stop hatin jus cuz lil wayne were dat dont mean they lame lil wayne to me is swagg jockin from most of us skateboards
and i doubt if he skates either
so stop with all that lil wayne jockin mess make yall sound stupid
ir callin em lil wayne shoes.
and to all lil wayne fashion jockers….get yo own style
You all crack me up.. Supra is a very fashionable shoe, they have very unique styles and colors (a reason people get them) you can't say that someone is following Lil Wayne just because they wear the same shoe as him..look at yours, I guarantee I can find a celebrity that has worn them at some point…follower :). You also can't call someone a poser when I can bet you own a pair of Nike's and are probably horrible at just about every sport.
Shoes were made to be purchased and to be worn. Limiting shoes to a certain crowd or group of people is ridiculous. Thats like saying nobody is allowed wearing sandals unless they surf. Nobody is allowed wearing Nike unless they are involved in sports. Nobody is allowed to rock adidas unless they are German. The lil wayne fanboys are no different then the skaters, trying to claim the style for their own crowd.