If you thought your fake radar was able to rest with all the recent releases from Nike and Air Jordan, you were dead wrong. A new generation of high quality fakes has taken the Air Jordan XI Silver Anniversary edition victim, creating a pair virtually alike except for some very subtle differences unnoticeable to the untrained eye. Don’t be scared if you thought the fakes were real or vice versa. This just means now more than ever, authentic sneakerhead spots such as Shoe York are needed to assure legitness. Which means be careful when shopping on eBay and shady online sites as well as some mom and pop stores. You’ve been warned.
Via NT.
Wow dats crazy
when they're that close… does it really matter?
of course if ur a jordan fan u dont wear fake kicks
Looks like I'm going to be buying the fake ones!! It wouldn't even matter if you had the authentic ones too damn similar to tell!! Getting mine for 75 dollars lmao fuck jb for that cheap ass material!!
In this case it doesn't matter. The shoes are so similar you can barely tell the difference between them. Without the signs you couldn't which was real or fake.
Wow….The fakes have really tarnished the AJ legacy, these past couple of years.
that's crazy
Fooled me…
They both look like shiit anyway real or fake, the same sweat shops who makes the real 1's, keep the left over material to make the fakes and B Grades to make money $$$ on the side.
hanSolo thats the real true….people they come from the same place
agree. preciate the attempted call out on the 'fakes'. but, damn, how ima tell when they that similar? they shoulda described the differences verbally. dont know what 'trained eye' is tellin the difference if those 2shoes were standin alone w/o the signs.
There is a very big difference from the reals and fakes #1 is they're fake #2 the fakes are two toned (the tongue and the side are two very different shades #3 the tag on the tongue sets under the laces. As for the reals lovely masterpeice, the whole shoe is the same shade the tag on the tongue sets center in the third lace up, and my fiance pointed this out the front of the fakes look like they bubble out while the reals run from front to back as sleek as they want and for those bammas that embrace fakes get ya bred up and sorry for your luck that you have to rock fakes I would have taught y'all better than that. I know one thing it sucks to be y'all that buy fakes lol real js real bred real fly
I don't buy fakes, but I doubt these last two that made comments wouldn't be able to spot the fake in real life with someone wearing them. Once they are worn, they are bound to get a little dirty and probably get different shades. Stay with the janoski sbs, clean and good for any occasion
If Jordan Brand cared they would have never made so many poor-quality shoes and watered down the brand with stupid and senseless releases.
Fakes are bad because they're illegal, but to get all upset because they aren't good quality is silly. Peeps should be boycotting Jordan for all the garbage being released with the jumpman logo on it for the best decade or so.
If ya'll can't tell fake from real then something is wrong the fake shoes are bigger and look at the quality c'mon man and for da ones who says they're going to buy da fakes probably cnt afford da real ones fake shoe wearing mothafuks
and what i mean by quality they're thin as f**k
My boy tryed to give me some fakes but, I spotted them right off the bat 'cause of the box…then after thoroughly checking them out the Jumpman logo was looking crazy…also check the tags on the inside of the shoes and you'll know.
There's no shot of the carbon fibre shank plate, which on the elevens has got to be the rwal giveaway.
The Jumpman tag is off on the fakes. Other than that, they're a virtual clone.
I agress with PTHIN cuz if u buy fakes that jus shows u aint no real jay fan. real fans but real jay & can spot fakes from a mile away & these fakes dont look anywhere near the same cuz they look grey not white. if u wear fakes u are a disgrace to jay fans everywhere.! DONT WEAR FAKE JAYS!!!!
couldnt really tell in the pics until the top view looking down into the shoe (you know, the part where you put your foot in). It looked all flimsy and stuff.
its not the fakes getting closer to the real, is the real quality getting closer to the fakes:/
wow peoples really gone buy the fakes?? no respect to the game, plus so lame
Yall think yall could really tell the difference if they weren't right next to each other? and I 100% agree that the reals are getting closer to fakes and not vice versa!!
Wow! I'd be pissed if I accidentally bought fakes. Although the price is also a good indication.
Pretty obvious the fakes look dirty as hell.
only the stoopid niqqas get fooled….I WOULD NEVER IN MY LIFE BUY FAKE JORDANS!!…iSTAY TRU!…FUCCC FAKES & THE CHINESE 4 makin fakes!!!!
wow this is pathetic, and a disgrace SMH fake kicks arent fresh
This dude said phuck the Chinese for making fakes? Where are the real ones made ?? Hahaha!! Funny
You can tell super easily by looking at the sole of the shoe. Real ones = icy. Fake ones = black? Easy to spot if you take a good look at it.
Jay is gay!!
American consumers are dumb and they know this overseas thats why the bootleg buisness continues to BOOM!
you'll have to do waaay more than rant on a comment board to stop this sh*t TRUST ME!
HANSOLO23 is pretty close…
what happens is the workers/ managers swap material and skematics with other managers from other "sweatshops" in their province who actually work for nike or the shops that make these so called "authentic" jordans, nike, gucci, ed hardy, etc. etc…
this is why you get so many bootleg dealers with so many brands for sale…especially online…
what is actually being bootlegged alot of times is the actual sneaker design because some shops cannot get the real skematics for every popular sneaker, this is why most fakes have so many variations, colors, mistakes and not every supplier carries the same shoe…
and some websites have the same pictures of the merchandise as other websites…
the material goes by grade, A+++ is what you would consider these Jordans, because IT IS the same material nike uses, nothing "fake" about it, its just made "freehand" in other words, it doesnt follow the retail jordan design…
when you get a supplier with no actual connection to the said brand thats when you have terrible fakes…
where they cut corners is using cheap glue, poor stitching or some are just factory variants for real, the left overs from the real…it all depends…
the good material is numbered & accounted for, hence the whole secret society of it all…
but there is nothing "fake" about sneakers, if anything blame nike! Blame it on money! Blame it on greed! Blame it on america!
its all coming from the same place, the fujian province in china or tawain
dont just holler "FAKES!" and keep it moving like your saying something special cause your sh*t might have been made in the same factory as the fakes!
this is no different from what they do for wal mart…
"ah you dont know what your talkin about"…fine, dont listen, but notice how everybody seems to be wearing gucci and LV and polo alot more lately? lol…
remember how rick ross got called out by Louis Vuitton for those fake LV shades? SMH…
u guys just dont get…"FAKES!" LMAO..if u only knew…
just cause u pay $300 dont mean sh*t anymore…
just sayin…
Regardless of where its made and how its made if Jordan Brand didn't release it then its not real…..idc if jB reps got together and sold whatever to whomever the shits fake if it wasn't made and shipped out with the "authentics"…and for everyone who dsnt think its a big deal imagine its your brand and legacy being tainted or your hard work being copied and sold by someone who has no connection to you! A true sneakerhead may not be able to spot a fake a mile away but I guarantee they dnt want that fake shit…and if you do then you're not a true fan!
I've worn fake jordans and you can't compare them in comfort.
And don't even try to take fake ones to the park, might as well
go with tims. Not to mention that they wear out extremely fast.
I believe 150 is overpriced, but you are getting quality shoes.
@HanSolo and I Know you gonna dig this: Yall are on both on point especially I Know with his 2 page monologue lol. They are all made where everything else is pretty much made in China or Taiwan. They use the same materials and they know that some people could care less if they are fakes or not cuz if it looks close enough people will buy it regardless. Jordans probably cost about $5.00 to make then they turn around and charge us $175-$200 for the product…ridiculous
anyone sayin they wer boughta get the fakes, just hop off this website fast, cuz youz a boughta b*tch!
Do you. If you like it get it. If you can afford the real, do the real if you can't do what you can. In the end they are just shoes. And this is from someone who has been a shoe connoisseur since '85.
@Blunt Machine ur a LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can just tell easily if their fake, look at how the material is and the quality looks like a 5 year old put the shoes together.
Plus, look at how the fakes in EVERY picture the mesh is yellowing the material shouldnt be already yellow if its DS or new.
Another is how the Jordan label on the tongue, the REAL 11s always are at about the 3rd lacehole and looking at the fakes they are off. But the real always lands on the 3rd lacehole!
I hate fakes and they simply suck. Stay up for the real collectors and Sorry for the fake collectors.
Haha, this is funny. If true to the game means allowing businesses to take more of your money, then that's cool. Just asking, are jordan shoe fans also real basketball fans? I don't really care for jordan. He is possibly one of the greatest bball players, but he has no true respect for the game. Him questioning magic's and miller's dedication to the game, and his non-appreciative hall of fame speech. Him saying that he would hate be his kids. Throwing teammates under the bus publicly. What happened to true professionalism? You can stay on his dick if you want though and let him take more of your money when he really doesn't give a fuck about any of you lol :)
The differences are minor but still noticeable. From some of the crap JB has been dropping they might as well sell fakes. When JB goes back to dropping official products like the used to a few years ago. Then I'll be quick to buy. Until then its all garbage
I've only seen N I G G E R S wear fakes in my entire life. I remember back in high school, this one group of monkeys were chillin in the court yard and I thought what they were wearing, jordans, was real until I looked really hard at the shoe and found out that the MJ logo was actually dunking like the Shaq logo instead of soaring like his signature. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
…these shoes are not fakes they are samples..i cant believe sneakerfiles put this up..thats why they look so good..nicekicks and kix and the city are better websites..if u dont believe me go 2 kix and the city.com they have an article about em..
yall who cant tell the emdiate difference in the fakes arent real fans. so yall waste yur money on fakes and watch em fall apart in 2 week, if they last that long. ima go get me the real ones and smash on all those fakes
they did a real good job on the bootleg but you can always tell when they fake
Ey this is the easiest way to spot a fake no matter what shoe it is: you peel off a little bit of the insole if it has numbering you're good if not, it's fake. it's that simple. and i would never buy fake Js or fake Kobes or any fake shoe. i buy shoes because i love basketball and because im a fan of the players/team PERIOD.
How can you think it is ok to have on a FAKE If you buy fakes you are not a Shoe Head
These dudes makin fakes are gettin damn good its gettin harder and harder to tell
My problem with fakes is when a fool trys to sell u a fake for the real price. But 50-75 bucks for the fake pair is ok by me… Cuz like was mentioned they come from the saaaaame place…