Undrcrwn and Adidas have teamed up many times in the past and have always yielded an interesting sneaker that possesses the best of both brands. This Adidas TS Commander does not break that mold and will surely make Adidas and Undrcrwn’s relationship continue. This collaboration uses the very popular colorway of dark green and red to contrast the simple black and white accents. Featuring a green upper, unique red laces, a red stripe on the green strap, and a multicolored midsole, this colorway will surely make you stand out in a crowd. Undrcrwn has put their own personal touch on this sneaker by including their logo on the outer heel and shiny gold lace locks bearing the words, Undr and Crwn. Expect to see these at your local Adidas retailers sometime very soon. Via Kenlu.
guyana colors nice
these are raw as hell……………. fuck hoopin in these shoes
gotta cop these. i will def play ball in these. gucci on the court baby