Here’s a look at some of Nike’s newest 6.0s from the Surf Expo in Orlando. Of the releases their are definitely some hits and misses. Nike has added new color-ways and designs to their Nike 6.0 line. More pictures after the jump. MelloYelloMD.
Here’s a look at some of Nike’s newest 6.0s from the Surf Expo in Orlando. Of the releases their are definitely some hits and misses. Nike has added new color-ways and designs to their Nike 6.0 line. More pictures after the jump. MelloYelloMD.
The one with the gold heel/pink swoosh and the one with the crosshatched design on the toebox are the best. Nice…
Wow some of those are really nice!
Its about time they started stepping up the 6.0 game
The ones with the fur are nice looking. I would buy them if i see them in the store.
Yo SP@M ur just a hypebeast, who cares if there not SB's they still hot go back to wearing Ice Creams. A true sneaker head wears sneakers for what they look not for what name they have.
Wow I never knew how many in the closet homo's were in this web site to top it off they try to impersonate me. Hey look I'm flattered, but I'm sorry but I don't have time to be someones role model or Idol. I think Michael Jackson is available Crap !.. I think I heard Richard Simmons is available. Hey !!! there you go I think you have two things in common with them you Love Ice Creams and Pro-keds in fact I think I heard keds use to be for white pregnant woman or was that fat Hmm ??? I've digressed. These two flaming metrosexual men are thee Ideal candidates for you to admire. I'll give you some advice just open your eyes and say Aghhhw ! and I'll bust a nut in your eye to show you where I cum from.There you go I gave you some great advice now go do your research and studying and come with something more original than what you put on here. P.S. Ooh! and one more thing before you make your quick and snappy comeback ! Have the balls to put on your real name instead of spittin on mine you just make yourself look like a Toy !!
"BksNinja said
am September 26 2007 @ 7:39 pm
The ones with the fur are nice looking. I would buy them if i see them in the store."
Uhhm am I blind…which ones are those? BTW, feeling that pink swoosh with gold accents and that black easter looking one.
free blowjobz yall
I wnt those oncores (1st pic 3rd shoe on right) can i have those plz? size 11 wen and where they come out?