Introducing to you a new series called The Vault. Each week we will dig through our collection and feature either a original, player exclusive or older retro.
This week we bring you the Original Air Jordan 6 ‘Sport Blue’ also known as September Blue. We felt it was only right since they are planning to retro for the first time.
Everyone now is calling them the Sport Blue, but when they originally released and years to come, many called them the September Blues. For the OG’s, we can’t say which one is correct. On the box label it reads ‘SPTBLU’, which many believed to be abbreviated for September.
The Original Jordan VI September/Sport Blue shown is in good condition for being 23 years old. They are deadstock, but have minor cracks and yellowing due to age.
Let us know what you would like to see next!
i would love to see a pair of white and navy 15’s
WARNING IF YOU STOP READING YOU WILL DIE TONIGHT. Hi im Mike. Im 11 years old but im dead now, I had no friends… If you do not post this to 20 pictures you will die tonight at exactly 11:59pm. DONT BELIEVE ME? A guy named Jake read this and laughed later that night I took a knife out of his kitchen and stabbed him to death. You dont wanna be Jake do you? A girl named Sandra read this and only posted it to 10 pictures SILLY GIRL SHES ONLY 11 BUT OH WELL. That day she saw me and ran to her grandmas house…She asked her could she use the bathroom…but guess what I was already there Shes now in a coma. A smart guy named Phill read this and posted it to 20 pictures because he was scared… The next morning he won the lottery And his Girlfriend accepted his marriage
Yummy. Yellow soles and old leather.
shut up and go make me a sandwich
September Baby and they’re Blue… Must Have
Gavin Persaud