With all the hype surrounding the Galaxy Foamposites last week, some pairs went under the radar, one being the Nike Flight One NRG Orlando. Today we take you in-depth on the Orlando Flight One, a shoe worn by Penny Hardaway. Were you able to grab the Flight One Orlando? Passed? Or regret not buying? Let us know with a comment below.
great shoe….super underrated in my opinion! super comfy…very light and great for ball! had the all black in mid school but a dope shoe…nonetheless. pumped i got a pair .had no idea they would sell out so quick!
Mints > Orlando. Leather quality and paint was very cheap on the orlandos, but they won’t tell you that though…..Mints have superior quality compared to these!
if anyone knows a website that still has these in stock please post it
Im glad everybody was hocking the galaxies and the mints, these kill the mints just for the simple fact that Penny wore em and made it to the finals in em, way more durable than a 3M upper and glow in the dark bottom, the mints are over hyped, I like em and own a pair but i got multiple Orlando, if I had to choose one I’d choose the Orlando but to each is own