Pictured above are new photos of the worlds most overrated sneaker. I can’t recall ever seeing anyone of the old colorways on a human beings feet ever in my life. I think Lebron himself has been wearing Carmelo Anthony’s shoes during games. Not only are these new colorways on shoes no one cares about, but the 6 contains new digital obstruction technology.
This is a vast improvement on the previous D.O.T. because surveys showed 5 people were actually able to lace the Nike Zoom Lebron V (5) all the way to the top. Engineers were baffled anyone without super powers could lace these sneakers, the Zoom Lebron VI (6) will almost guarantee to be unlaceable.
For more photos of shoes that will be on extreme discount sales in about 2 months, click in the ‘More’ link below the eBay box.
If Lebron ever wants to ever get ne where near Jordan status, he needs to limit all these colorways, they over doing it.
yeah agreed. most of them are crap anyways
^^ I can't blame Lebron. He's raking in a lot of cake. We would all do the same. Don't say you wouldn't because each of us would. But yeah some of the colorways are whack, but it's not like anyone is forcing you to buy them. I would be happy with the Lebron VI in the Memphis Blue colorway though.
wow no bias from the sf blogger on this post hah. i agree but im just sayin.
you bitches are trippin. The 6 is hot in selective colors. The ones in that sole collector are mostly pe's. And there is at most 4 more 6 colorways left to release.
The bias against these in this post is unbelieveable and very unprofessional.
man besides mj lebron has the best nikes. nobody will ever reach mj sneaker status so stop whinin dont like then dont buy!
Wow, whomever wrote this obviously has some sand in his v@gin@! While I do agree that the shoe is overhyped, your blog is filled with bias and incorrect information. For starters, if you look at the profile of the shoe (Memphis colorway shows this best), it clearly has huge, wide, almost rectangular shaped eyelets all of the way up, designed intentionally to keep it's flat strings flat (if you've ever tried to put flat strings through typical round eyelets, you'll recall that the laces fold over when they go through each eyelet). The Zoom Lebron V (also overhyped) also had flat laces and rectangular eyelets. You'd literally have to have NO fingers what-so-ever to have difficulty lacing either the V or the VI! Now, the Zoom Lebron IV although heavy, was next to impossible to lace (let me also go on record to say that this was, in my opinion, one of the top 5 most comfortable sneakers that nike has EVER made).
Secondly, Lebron has never worn Melo's, which are terrible shoes btw… Lebron does no cross-promotion like, for instance, Chris Paul, Melo, Ray Allen, or a select few other Jordan Brand players wearing AJXXIII's, and the only reason you see this is because they have to promote Jordan Brand's premier game shoe somehow (hard to do if Jordan's not in the game wearing them himself, now isn't it?).
If you're going to talk smack and attempt to blog on a sneaker site, why don't you try knowing your sneakers and basic general knowledge of the sneaker game little better next time! Just a suggestion…
Wow! You guys are rough! My two cents…..they are one of the most comfortable shoes ever to ball in..isn't that what it's all about?
I'm with "J Who". Leave opinions in the comment section. Sneakerfiles lost some cred when you ran your yapper in the actual blog post! The Memphis colorway is slamming! The V is a cadillac to ball in and supports extremely well, is easy to lace and hugs so nicely you don't even need to lace it. Yeah "J"… the IV's are a PAIN to lace but one of my fav to wear! SHMEAH on the blogger for spouting off in the post!
Wow had respect for the info on this site before but some crazed ass fool had something put in his lemonade or he just wanted to get y'all upset with his ignorance. Lebron VI is mad comfortable and they are selling fast and furious.
all da peeps dat sed lebron dumb 4 havin 2 many color wayyz iz fukin stupid rite now lebron gettin dat doe seriously n i jus got mi da all blak ones n dese r da best lebrons yet i think n he needs 2 make more cxlors
Anything more than three colorways of any one shoe is dumb. (Lebron, Kobe, or Jordan)
Making the most desirable colorways exclusive and hard to get is even more dumb.
But unless Lebron personally kicked your dog's nuts, there is no reason to create such a poorly written and personal story posting.
yea they are too many colorways but the all black ones are the toughest
"WOW" you n*ggaz still complaining! Bron finally gets back to a shoe thats rockable with jeans and you muthafukaz hating on the colorways… Shut the funk up and grab your fav color and move on "DAMN"
man this guy must be on crack. i felt so sick when i got a pair of the chalk vi's cus i felt stupid for keeping up with retros and jordans…. i mean lebrons are about the sickest designed highest quality shoes…. and on top of that the dude is winnin a ship this year man this cat who wrote this is a biased bastard
Wow who ever wrote this needs to be fired!
man dem shits look like force1's
keep doin your thang LeBron fukk these haters!!!!!!
die haters die!!!!
Everyone complains…Lebron makes BASKETBALL shoes…not casual. His shoes have a purpose…functional for the court. Thats all..if you havent tired a pair on be quiet…one of the most comfortable shoes period. Go see for yourself. I do agree that the hot colors should be available to EVERYONE..not just one city.
the zoom lebron VI is one of the best shoes period and all the CW's r dope especially the exclusives, y so much hate, i mean c'mon now who else has a hotter shoe? no body lebron is the King thats all there is 2 it
Everyone complains…Lebron makes BASKETBALL shoes…not casual. His shoes have a purpose…functional for the court. Thats all..if you havent tried a pair on be easy…one of the most comfortable shoes period. Go see for yourself. I do agree that the hot colors should be available to EVERYONE..not just one city.
never seen the ones in the first pic they look like they got a crazy broken glass effect or somehting looks hot, i want more inf and pics on all the VI's especially the new ones
wow, who ever wrote this article is a total douche bag
Very professional writing there. I know that everybody is entitled to an opinion but come on.
"I can’t recall ever seeing anyone of the old colorways on a human beings feet ever in my life." What is this supposed to mean?
Well Sneakerfiles if Nike PR department reads this. You can say goodbye to whatever perks they were giving you.
There is just way too much hate in this post to qualify it as objective writing.
hey sneakerfiles what the F*CK are you talking about?! these are the best shoes that have come from nike in a long time. i have been collecting shoes since i was in 5th grade and i'm 27 now and these are probably in my top 5 fav of all time!! i wear a size 14 and have wide feet and these are actually not to tight on my feet! i have no trouble lacing these to the top!!! i have more trouble lacing my jordans to the top than i do with these so WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! you must be confused on this one!! sorry but i gotta say get a clue!!!!
i have to agree with every one here who ever wrote this needs relax damn bron6 are one of the hottest shoe out at the moment IMO! over the IVerson,AJ09,melos,CP… but hey someone took there PERSONAL opinion and mixed it with there PROFESIONAL writing ….
At first I was like, "Damn, these Sneaker File N*ggas be going hard on the Bron VIs", but then, scrolling down to write this, I noticed all of the commentary posted. You win, SneakerFiles, you win.
LOLLL very biased but entertaining
you are crazy lebron vi is the best lebron and the best player in the game and they are made better than any new jordan, but jordan is still my hero lebron has a long way to go but he will get up there i didnt say as great but only time can tell wait and lebron will get some rings
Way to go sneakerfiles…tell us how u really feel!! Whoever made this article props to u….the only thing u did was tell it how u think it is…something all of us do everyday wit our posts. Way to keep it real. Nuttin wrong wit that. Now i'ma keep it real…KOBE sucks..holla
Hi this is Kobe's boyfriend Tayvon…I saw his new broken ankles commercial and was wondering if he offers broken butt-hole insurance cause Kobe done stretched my butt all out. Now I can poop bowling balls. If u see Kobe tell him to call me. Toodle-Loo
LOL, the most overrated sneaker is still the Hyperdunk, just check the Cavs @ Bulls game last week, Mo Williams' HD's had no traction left in the 2nd half, as Derrick Rose blew by him left and right.
As for the colorways, Nike's milking The Six, just like they're milking the Hyperdunks, so there's no legitimate reason to single out LeBron like that.
This is a bullshit review. Like one of the guys said sort of unprofessional. Lebron maybe over doing it with the colorways but the shoe is no way crap. Besides many of the jordan kicks which are sick are OD with colors like the ones. The six is way better than many of the other kicks out.
wow, be professional about writing your review. im honestly suprized sf let you post that shit. obviously the shoes are comfortable for him if he is able to average 27 pts 7 reb and 6 ast. he is leading the scoring average in the game so people need to stop hatin. ya he aint my fav player but this boy gots game. plus he stayin out of trouble like alot of other players find it hard to do. as for the shoes they are some sick ass shoes. clean design and yea the colorways are over doin but they know there are some stupid ass people out there that will buy it all. but yea be more professional about the blogs written because there are a thousand other people who have the shoe knolwedge to take your place and write a professional blog instead of one out thier ass.
This is the best write-up I've seen on this site. Well done.
damn, writer hatin like a city cop. Gotta give tha haters some love sometimes i guess.
Yo…I actually dig this review: I come to this site to not just read about how great a particular shoe is, but to get some feedback on what people think about the shoe. You may not agree with his opinion, but that's what blogging is all about…thanks for sharing your perspective, now if/when I go to try them on, I can make my own unbiased decision. Kudos to you for challenging the status quo! Fact is, no shoe is beyond critique…even Jordans!!
great review bro man i really did not like this shoe when i tried it on than when i saw lebron fall in them i knew they did suck.
i just want to say that whoever posted that blog dissin the Lebron VI should be banned from this site and further more should stop wearin shoes altogether cause dude aint got no style… and if he or anyone disagrees with me then u got issues… i know alot about shoes and style and the VI are probably the hottest shoes on the planet right now.. i own the triple black edition and trust me they are the shit Just some advice dont post blogs if u dont know what ur talking about
Those U of Michigan ones are the tightest ones I don't know why everyone bitchin people always whine about not gittin player edition colorways and whatever well here u go pick ur kick variety is always better than one or two colorways the Ohio state ones are garbage scarlet & gay is the worst two colors. The Jordan 2009 needs about 20 colorways maybe one hot color will sell cause it ain't lookin to good for MJ…I don't buy lebrons but i'ma snatch those blue and gold joints if I can find them to go wit my tom Brady Michigan jersey. Hail to the Victors haters….listen up or git shut down…holla great article keep up the good work ….opinion is only factual when it's your opinion….or mine